Transistor I Structure and Working Principle Field-effect transistors are divided into two categories: junction field-effect transistors (JFET) and metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors(MOSFET). According to the channel material type and insulated gate type, there are N channel and P ...
Working Principle of a Bipolar Junction Transistor The working principle of both the NPN and PNP transistor is almost the same, both of them differ in the conduction of current through charge carriers based on the majority and minority of charge carriers. The NPN Bipolar junction Transi...
Explain the Kirchoffs law used in the working of the transistor as a switch?Question:Explain the Kirchoffs law used in the working of the transistor as a switch?Kirchhoff's law:The voltage law of Kirchhoff provides a description of the potential difference in any circuit abo...