“If you work at home, and I work at home, so I don’t get a lot of interaction with people during the day. Going to the gym makes me feel less isolated. It can be great if you feel lonely just being around people especially people who are more like-minded.” Working out gives ...
Interestingly enough, in my situation it turned out that the distance from the mat to the wall on the left side was 3/8″ greater than the distance on the right side. So had I just taken one measurement somewhere, the cut piece wouldn’t have ended up fitting very well, if at all. ...
If you tell someone that you go to the gym as opposed to working out at home, you would probably appear as someone who is investing himself into it quite a lot. The other way around would suggest that you are taking it rather lightly. And I know by experience. When my brother was go...
Strength training and proper nutrition will probably give you a lot more bang for your buck than endless cardio. So see if you can carve out three one-hour blocks of time (or even 45 minutes) per week (you can even start at home with just bodyweight and dumbbells if that makes it eas...
Personally I find it creepy if somebody I've never met is tracking if I am at home or somewhere out in the woods or at the gym, etc... So, I welcome Apple in to become a broker in just what information is passed to who and how....
I’d like to thank everyone who contributed their concerns about hiring remote, and the disadvantages of working from home. Shout out to the communities on Growth Hackers, Inbound.org, Quora, and Reddit for answering my questions.