P171171. Listen to me and hear me out Are they the same in English conversation 05:20 P172172. Why You Must Change the Way You Learn English if You Want to be Fluent 07:24 P173173. Stress a word in a sentence to sound more like a native speaker - The melod 06:09 P174174. ...
On a sunny Saturday morning in eastern Tokyo, a silver Audi pulls into a parking lot and sparks pandemonium. Out of the driver's seat bounces a small, stocky man with bulging biceps, spiky orange hair, and a broad smile spread across his effulgent, spray-tanned face. He bounds onto the...
As I sat trying to get comfortable surrounded by so many strange faces, I listened hard to a group of attractive and eloquent women who were speaking as panellists in this session. They waxed Iyrical about all the money they had accrued selling sex, how much fun it was and how great the...
Tequila is an irresistible, distilled spirit. It is fancied throughout the world with its superior taste, high production regulations, and sweet-smelling finesse, giving it a special charm. To give this alcohol the accolades it deserves, it would be good to learn what goes on until it reaches...
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet present new findings about alcohol consumption reduced by training. The three related papers, published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, report findings from the randomized controlled trial, FitForChange.
These findings have been corroborated and qualitatively extended by a study carried out simultaneously by the Swiss Agency for Alcohol Problems.doi:10.1007/978-3-642-69977-1_43U. CanarisJ. ToppichSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA; 2Neuroscience Program, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA Controversy exists regarding the role of cerebellar systems in cognition and whether working memory compromise commonly marking alcoholism can be explained by compromise of nodes of...
This chapter was the first one published (as far as I know) on applying CBT to the issue of helping gay men come out. Although it's a bit dated by now because of how old it is, I've been told by several therapists that it's been useful quite recently both for them and for thei...
(many of which have dropped supporting him) but on the nation he represents; the United States of America. A certain decorum and behavior is expected of America’s athletes. So, when a late night party with great consumption of alcohol leads you to accuse your host nation of robbery, you...
The frequency of a variable's inclusion in a model can be summarized and variables selected most often are considered to be the most robust (ie, least influenced by outliers and noise). To examine the model's potential for prediction in new cases, we performed leave-one-out cross-validation...