A great song about getting a job and one of the oldest stories told, a down on his luck jobseeker finds work, hates it but like the majority has to stick it out! The lyrics are comedic and Smokey Robinson’s vocals are like velvet. It was actually written as a response of sorts to...
7. To bring to a specified condition by gradual or repeated effort or work: finally worked the window open; worked the slaves to death. 8. To make, achieve, or pay for by work or effort: worked her way to the top; worked his passage on the ship. 9. Informal To arrange or contrive...
7. To bring to a specified condition by gradual or repeated effort or work: finally worked the window open; worked the slaves to death. 8. To make, achieve, or pay for by work or effort: worked her way to the top; worked his passage on the ship. 9. Informal To arrange or contrive...
On a Boat Part of the Madness Void Heart Top Pages this Week Finn 1 Princess Bubblegum 2 Marceline 3 The Lich (character) 4 Ice King 5 Distant Lands Flashback Marceline and Princess Bubblegum Argue•Glassboy Meets the Dragon Larvo•Glassboy on the Run•I Love You, OK!•I'm Too ...
Well, I was always in church. There was always an altar call song. For our church, it was "Just As I Am," and that's on the album. I might've been 10 years old, something like that. When you grow up around it, it means you have to make that decision fo...
My intention isn’t to focus on mourning. The deaths of these working-class icons remind us of the importance of music, film, and sport in the lives of working-class people. We enjoy listening to and watching people we can relate to in some way, whether through the lyrics they sang, ...
Punk rockers Fear were recruited to appear on Saturday Night Live on the night of Halloween in 1981. One of the show's former stars, comedian John Belushi, was a big fan of the band, so he got them on the show that night. According to Louder, he also invited Dischord Records founder...
“Of Wolf And Man” shows Hetfield’s enthusiasm for hunting, but lyrics like “Shape shift/Nose to the wind/Shape shift/Feeling I've been/Move swift/All senses clean/Earth's gift/Back to the meaning of life” are kinda new agey. (BI) 111. The Shortest Straw - ...And Justice ...
but two guilds I was in were run by couples in a committed relationship… until the relationship became not so committed. That was fun after the break-up, waiting in Ventrilo on raid night for “him” to show up, while “she” bad mouthed him and wondered who he was with that was ...
Today’s guest post by Christina Thatcher is a fascinating account of being a working class academic, and the feeling of not fully belonging to your past or present. It tells of her upbringing in the US by hard working parents, doing well at school, then going on to University to study,...