This finding suggests that improving working conditions may be an area of intervention in order to reduce the number of people who leave the labour market with a disability pension.[ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
receiving a pension at the end of 2005, most of them beingworking-age peoplewhowould transfer to an old-age pension paid on the basis [...] 根据《退休金法》,2005 年底有 2 600 人在领养恤金,他们多数都是工作年龄的人,一旦到达领养老金的年龄,就想...
deprivednon-skilledworkers of the opportunitiesofworkingfora stable job and had affected staff moraleinthecivil service. 部分事務委員會委員 亦指出,外判剝削了非技術工人有一份穩定工作的機會,並已 影響了公務員的士氣。
Depending on what Manager working that day most staff are allowed to do what they please regarding stimulating and assisting Service Users. I would not recommend this Organisation for any body needing support with Dementia . I have high standards and good values and work to the best of my abil...
Outcome measures were sick leave/absenteeism, work ability, participation, presenteeism/reduced capacity and disability. Literature searches were performed in the electronic databases MEDLINE/Embase (Ovid) and Scopus on 4 January 2022. See Table 1 for the search string. The search process was assisted...
work functioning, along with other individual and environmental factors, can lead to temporary or permanent exclusion from the labour market, due to unemployment, sickness absence, or disability pensioning. Additionally, the health status of patients can strongly influence their ability to work, ...
a high-water mark in public support in most polls in the United States. It’s hard to predict the results of appeals of these NLRB decisions and the DOL’s response to comments on the overtime ruling. Within the labor movement, organizing departments have been decimated over the years, ...
Ten years on: a review of recent research on the Job Demand-Control (-Support) model and psychological well-being. Work Stress. 2010;24:1–35. Article Google Scholar de Lange AH, Taris TW, Kompier MA, Houtman ILD, Bongers PM. “The very best of the millennium”: longitudinal ...
percentages of persons with disabilitiesofworking age,bytype of disability, and the percentages of persons [...] 接下来的表中显示的是按照残疾类型划分的处于劳动年龄的残疾人口的统计 数据,处于劳动年龄的残疾人口是指 14 岁及以上的残疾人口。
UK state pension age is rising in response to life expectancy gains but population health and job opportunities may not be sufficient to achieve extended working lives1–3. This study aimed to estimate future trends in healthy working life expectancy (HW