The accuracy of the above-mentioned models was determined and compared. Among the models used, KNN Algorithm had the best accuracy. Significant factors that affect stress were found using KNN, Decision Tree, and Naive Bayes algorithms. With these findings, organizations ca...
For instance, let's assume we have an algorithm that watches emails a user marks as spam and based on that observation it learns to filter out unwanted spam messages. The experience E in the above situation would be to Watch and recognize what type of mail is marked as spam. Task T wou...
CountVectorizersupports counts of N-grams of words or consecutive characters. Once fitted, the vectorizer has built a dictionary of feature indices: >>> count_vect.vocabulary_.get(u'algorithm') The index value of a word in the vocabulary is linked to its frequency in the whole training corpus...
Therefore, this paper proposes a SFA-STM method to assess the health status of the running gear systems of high-speed trains. The STM is a classification algorithm based on tensor data, which is very suitable for dealing with nonlinear and non-Gaussian problems. In [32, 33], bearing ...
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