if possible. Make sure to do this activity daily with your child, as it will give you a chance to spend more time with them. So, be it doing laundry, folding fresh laundry, or even cleaning the room after playtime,ask for their help whenever possible. You can also ask them to help...
Free Essays from Bartleby | In June of 1938, amongst other bills, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill that would intimately become a law to help...
“Keep a schedule and a chore chart. We have a schedule for when we do laundry, cleaning and shopping. That way things get done — and we all know what needs to get done. My kids also do chores according to a chore chart. They clean the bathroom, wash floors, take out the trash,...
Well, well, it’s not lost on me that the last post was about spring cleaning, and here we are smack in the middle of summer. There’s a reason that I haven’t written in so long. Actually, there are lots of reasons. Of course I’ve been busy – never ending cooking and cleanin...
There are plenty of things kids can do to help clean the house. Give them a bucket of sudsy water and have them scrub the walls. While the quality of cleaning done by kids may not meet White House standards, it keeps them out of your way when they help out. As a bonus, they’re...
When you have too many things on your plate, do not hesitate to ask for help, and hire paid help. Tasks that can be delegated are house cleaning, laundry, ironing, lawn mowing, car washing, basic cooking and driving kids to school. This will leave you with enough time to spend with ...
The first few days began in a blur of cooking and cleaning. Hendrix was happy to be my little helper and would spray the counters with Mrs. Meyers surface cleaner and help wipe them down. He became proficient in pulling out the dining room chair and bringing it to the kitchen so he cou...
Leave time in your schedule for unexpected deadlines or changes to the schedule Use sick days or PTO when necessary 13. Celebrate your wins, big and small Celebratingallyour wins as a working mom is important — even the small ones. Whether you finally finished that work project, survived an...
Team Toews has been an amazing company to work for. With flexible hours that work around my busy family schedule and great wages. They value each employee and take care of you above and beyond. Highly recommend Team Toews! Pros Flexible hours ...
Traveling as a working mom while balancing three kiddos, a working partner, geriatric dog and our schedule jenga is not for the weak at heart. In a global role my travel is even more disruptive, but wanted to share a few insights on “how we do it” and some of the fun that also ...