University of Edinburgh, UK Neil Fraser University of Oviedo, Spain Rodolfo Gutiérrez European Social Observatory, Belgium Ramón Peña-Casas About the editors GUILLAUME ALLÈGRE Economist and Lecturer in Sciences Po-Paris, France BERTA ÁLVAREZ-MIRANDA Associate Professor of Sociology at Complutens...
That’s a harder question. The Amazon and Starbucks efforts that seemed so hopeful are now stalled or stunted. “Strike Summer,” as it’s been called with victories at UPS, strikes in Hollywood, and now a revived UAW threatening auto manufacturers have reestablished unions as bulwarks against...
Working in Europe during the ski season was an enjoyable way to learn a language. Switzerland is a great place to look since you can choose between French, Italian, and German, but France, Andorra, and Italy are good places for work and language acquisition. Types of Ski Resort Jobs The ...
AsayounggirlgrowingupinFrance,SarahToumidreamedofbecomingaleaderwhocouldmaketheworldabetterplace.Herpassiontohelpotherswasawakenedwhen,fromtheageofnine,sheaccompaniedherTunisianfathertohisbirthplaceintheeastofthecountryduringholidays.Theresheorganizedhomeworkclubsandactivitiesforchildren. Toumiwitnessedfirst-handthedestructi...
As a result, there was widespread speculation among the public and in popular media about the future and potential demise of large cities5,6. Some reports also showed noticeable increases in real estate transactions occurring outside major urban areas in countries such as Australia, France, ...
October 17, 2010·168 comments As I’m from the UK, this article is based on my experience for applying for the Japanese working holiday visa as a UK citizen, I have included details on the variations on different countries options though, there are slight variations in requirements depending...
Once you have gathered all the required documents listed above, you’ll need to pay for your visa to be processed. We’ll use the United Kingdom fees as an example. Your own nationality may vary from the below fees. For a citizen of the United Kingdom applying for a 12-month visa, ...
I now live in France and was horrified when I got the first tax papers; I no longer had a name! I had become Mrs Husband’s Last Name, Husband’s First Name! I think it says something about women’s status in society: you don’t even have the right to your own name. Later on...
age of 88 as a British citizen. A survivor who escaped the hell of Auschwitz and Bergen- Belsen and came back to show the power of resistance. By just being there, in the centre of Berlin, she was defying the spirits of destruction that caused the Holocaust. She was a living ...
The cultural configuration observed here deviates in certain ways from previous accounts in the USA, the UK, and France. The substance of Norwegian working-class morality emerges as different cultural repertoires which can be represented by three moral ideal types: the Good Samaritan, the socially ...