刚开始进咱们豆瓣组的时候我就很迷茫了,我们这个怎么能叫working holiday呢,澳洲对中国开放的,是work and holiday(subclass 462),而为许多人知道的工作旅游签是working holiday(subclass 417)。后来发现很多人都会搞混啊,那我就来科普一下吧,这两者有很大的本质区别的。 一、Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) ...
据了解,目前澳大利亚开放的“打工度假签证”有两种类型,Work and Holiday Visa(462)和Working Holiday Visa(417),澳大利亚将向中国公民开放的“打工度假签证”是462类型。此前可申请澳大利亚462签证的国家有9个,包括美国、阿根廷、马来西亚、泰国等。 申请Subclass 462签证必须满足以下条件: 1、年龄必须在18~31岁 2、...
如果你在 30 岁时申请签证,但在澳洲移民局做出决定之前已满 31 岁,移民局仍然可以向你授予签证; 3)此前未曾持打工度假签证(462 子类 或 417 子类)入境澳洲; 4)拥有大学、学院或培训中心的高等教育资格,或者已完成 2 年本科大学学习。可接受的高等教育资格包括:学位、研究生证书、文凭; 5)语言成绩要求; 在你...
The Australian Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) is a temporary visa subclass meant for individuals aged between 18-30 and want to work & travel in Australia for up to one year. The working holiday visa is a temporary visa that allows applicants from eligible countries, having closer ties ...
Working Holiday签证种类 打工度假签证有两种不同类型,一种为Subclass 417,另一种为Subclass 462。 417类别打工度假签适用国家: 比利时 加拿大 塞浦路斯共和国 丹麦 爱沙尼亚 芬兰 法国 德国 中国香港特别行政区(包括英国海外护照)爱尔兰共和国 意大利 日本 韩国马耳他荷兰 挪威 瑞典 台湾(除官方和外交护照) 英国和北爱...
Working Holiday VisasApplying for a Subclass 417 Working Holiday Maker Visa Eligibility requirements and how to apply for the inital one-year working holiday visa. Applying for a Subclass 462 Work & Holiday Maker Visa Eligibility requirements and how to apply for the inital one-year working ...
Working Holiday Visa Update 1 July 2019 Immigration introduced a number of changes to the Subclass 417 Working Holiday and Subclass 462 Work & Holiday visa schemes on 1 July 2019, expanding access to the program by including more countries and reducing documentary requirements. The first also saw...
Travel and work in Australia for up to a year with the Australia Working Holiday Visa 416 and the Work and Holiday visa 462.
澳大利亚work and holiday visa已经开放申请!请关注 澳移民局官网http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa...
Third Working Holiday Visa For Australia (subclass 417) Nationality Please select Current Location Please select Travelling to Please select Purpose Please select Check Visas Home / Australia / Australia Working Holiday Maker – 3rd (417) Visa About...