xa;Planning to stay and work while you're visiting Australia? If you're aged between 18 and 30 and hold a passport for a country or region participating in Australia's Working Holiday Maker programme, you may be eligible to apply for a 12-month visa which enables you to work in ...
Working Holiday VisasApplying for a Subclass 417 Working Holiday Maker Visa Eligibility requirements and how to apply for the inital one-year working holiday visa. Applying for a Subclass 462 Work & Holiday Maker Visa Eligibility requirements and how to apply for the inital one-year working ...
About The Australian Working Holiday Visa General Information With an Australian Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) you can live, work, and travel in Australia for 12 months. With this visa, you have an entire year to experience everything Australia has to offer while working to fund your ...
Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) is a temporary visa subclass meant for individuals aged between 18-30 and want to work & travel in Australia for up to one year. The working holiday visa is a temporary visa that allows applicants from eligible countries, having closer ties with Australia....
澳大利亚移民局官网(462签证政策最权威制定处):http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/462- 官方清单下载链接(下载清单):http://china.embassy.gov.au/files/bjng/Checklist-462-Work-and-Holiday-China-CN.pdf 官方微博链接(462开放等最新消息发布地):http://weibo.com/imagineaustralia 签证申请中心...
打工度假签证( Work and holiday visa ),简称WHV,属于462签证的一种。在中国和澳大利亚签订中澳自由贸易协定(FTA)之后,澳大利亚政府承诺每年对中国大陆开放5000个打工度假签证名额让年满18岁但年龄不超过31岁的年轻人来澳洲边打工边度假。 打工与度假签证持有人可以在澳洲任何一个洲从事正常工作,学习以及文化交流活动等...
Find all the essential information about working holiday visas in Australia, from how to apply, to where to find the perfect job and how to stay a little longer - everything you need towork and play the Aussie waywith ease! Working Holiday Visa FAQ ...
If you’re working in Australia, you will have to pay tax on your income there. In most cases a traveller on a Working Holiday visa is treated as a non-resident, which means that you will be taxed at a higher rate than an Australian resident and have to pay tax on every dollar you...
签证预约网址:Australia Visa Information 因为之前有答过这个内容,所以这里只做简要回答,详细的审签流程...