由于working holiday的综合保险,对于财物的单价理赔额度不超过1000纽币,总数不超过5000纽币。如果你有高单价的物件,例如笔记本电脑,单反相机等,可以单独购买。保费为价值的2%。 医疗补充:ACC与医疗保险 --- 由于新西兰有非常著名的ACC制度,不管本国人外国人只要在新西兰境内,都可以享受。即遭遇意外状况后需要医治所产生...
對於持有打工度假簽證(Working Holiday Visa),或者是季節工簽證者(Seasonal worker)來說,因為無法享受紐西蘭當地的醫療補助,所以不論是就醫、藥品、住院的費用,都相當昂貴,建議在出發前就先辦理好你的醫療保險,當有突發的嚴重醫療需求時,不必擔心高額的醫療費用而耽誤就醫。 紐西蘭當地的保險公司「Orbit Protect」,有專...
工作假期保險是去韓國工作假期必需的文件, 而因為提供工作假期保險的公司不多,所以相對機票,可以research和考慮的options少很多。 據我所知,現時有提供工作假期保險的公司只有以下6間: 豐隆 價錢:HKD4,800(優惠期30/6前投保只需HKD4,000!!!) 出單需時:幾日至一星期,收到正本大約一個半星期 優點:是最傳統悠...
required to take out insurance plans throughout their stay, otherwise they would not be issuedwithworking holidayvisas. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 現時本港與新西 蘭、愛爾蘭、德國及日本政府所簽訂的協議中,已列明申請 人必須持有有效的醫療保險,否則不會獲發工作假期簽證。
Canada is a really nice country but there is so much to see out there in the world. When Working Holiday insurance don’t forget to ask if you are covered on your side trips to other countries. Who knows maybe you will get tired of snowboarding and would like to relax on the beach ...
WHV就是这样的一个签证,全称是Working (and) Holiday Visa打工度假签证。在全球范围内,有很多国家国外旅行者开放WHV,但是,对于中国护照来说,目前只有两个国家对我们开放,澳大利亚和新西兰。 So some countries are opening up visas to young people who want to travel the world for short-term work. ...
Insurance for a Working Holiday in New Zealand We always recommend having insurance no matter what kind of trip you are planning. World Nomads has been the Broke Backpacker’s go-to insurance provider for years. They’re a reliable company with good coverage and an easy to use website. ...
1.You are not allowed to have your working holiday with your children. 不携子女赴澳 2.You should have sufficient money to support the working holiday in Australia. 有足够的资金支持在澳洲打工度假(至少5000澳币) 3.When you finish the working holiday, you should promise that you have enough mone...
200 available funds to meet your living costs while you are here • meet our health and character requirements • hold medical and comprehensive hospitalization insurance for the length of your stay • be coming to New Zealand to holiday, with work or study being secondary intentions for ...
A. Working holiday makers must make sure that they will be paid. B. Working holiday makers must keep themselves in good health. C. Working holiday makers must seek safe working environments. D. Working holiday makers must read insurance policies carefully. ...