Working Holiday Visa El programaWorking HolidayoWork and travel, permite visitar un país anfitrión por hasta 12 meses y realizar trabajos para sustentar los gastos de vida y ayudar a financiar tus viajes en el país. Es una visa relativamente nueva para nosotros los chilenos, aunque el co...
Programa Working Holiday Visa de Portugal para Chilenos Año a año Portugal ofrece unacantidad ilimitadade visas Working Holiday paraciudadanos chilenos de entre 18 y 30 añosque deseen vivir la experiencia de viajar y conocer la cultura portuguesa por el tiempo que dure tu visa. Este vi...
El programa de visas Working Holiday en Austria ofrece la posibilidad ajóvenes chilenos de entre 18 y 30 añosde recorrer el país y vivir una experiencia de intercambio cultural durante unperiodo máximo de 12 mesesmientras trabajan de forma temporal para solventar sus gastos diarios. Las ...
Chile Canada and Chile have a working holiday agreement, which allows Canadians between the age of 18-35 to travel and work in Chile for 12 months. The fee for this program is $135 USD and you must show proof that you have “sufficient funds.” The exact amount required is up to the ...
From 1999-2000, working holiday visas were granted to 74,000 young people. The countries of citizenship for most of the working holiday makers who received visas during this time period were United Kingdom (38,696), Ireland (13,155), Japan (8,442), Canada (5,433), Netherlands (4,818...
加拿大2021年的工作假期签证(Working Holiday Visa) 开放了! 加拿大于3月1日为部分国家/地区的青年人开放“加拿大国际体验(International Experience Canada)”项目!(以下简称IEC) 什么是IEC 用一句话概括就是: 可以让与加拿大签署了双边青年互动协议的国家(bilateral youth mobility arrangement)的青年人(通常年龄为18-...
Below you can see a list of the countries offering the Working Holiday Visa. To know if you can be entitled to one, please check the visa information in your home country. America:Argentina, Chile, Canada, Mexico. Asia:Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan. ...
Have not entered Australia on a Working Holiday (417) or Work & Holiday (462) visa Have at least 1 year experience in the food service or hospitality industry Be a citizen of one of the following countries: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Argentina, Bangladesh, Belgium, Chile, Repub...
Working Holiday visa Citizens of Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan and United Kingdom aged between 18 and 30 are eligible to apply for a Working Holiday visa (visa ...
Available to citizens of Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Singapore, Spain, ...