Planning a working holiday in Canada? Here you can find all you need to know about your next WHC. Lists of WHC employers, jobs search tool, useful tips and many more!
Presuming you start working, you'll still be beholden to your employer, so you won't be totally off the leash, but there arefew limits on what you can doon your working holiday. You may want to try your hand at anindustry that's uncommon in Canada. Here are just a couple examples!
入境紙(POE Letter)的期限一般為一年,在加拿大當局發出入境紙一年內便要入境加拿大。入境時才開始計算一年的工作許可期。工作假期屬於開放式的工作許可,可以在加拿大內從事任何工作(個別專業醫療工作除外)。另外,在 working holiday 期間,你可修讀不多於六個月的短期課程。 加拿大 Working Holiday 點搵工? 加拿大常用...
Are you considering a working holiday in the UK in 2024? This exciting opportunity lets you live and work in one of the world’s most historic and vibrant countries while funding your travels. Here’s everything you need to know to make the most of your working holiday experience in the ...
Get the best holiday visa working experience. Apply for working holiday visas to live and work abroad with the best service!
Individual advisory, search, and placements into internships, professional positions, and jobs in Canada.
Below you can see a list of the countries offering the Working Holiday Visa. To know if you can be entitled to one, please check the visa information in your home country. America:Argentina, Chile, Canada, Mexico. Asia:Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan. ...
Public holiday description result.public_holiday_description string Description of this public holiday Weekend day result.weekend_day string Is this a weekend day (0 means no). Custom date result.custom_date string Is this a custom date (0 means no). Custom date description result.custom_...
【BOYSTORY Working holiday reaction】为男故感到骄傲期待更好的boystory 姜芷悦 378 1 【Reaction】韩女团粉看内娱男团!直观感受到爱豆的情绪感染力,竟然大合唱,男爱豆不要穿紧身衣!怎么有点宠溺的笑容,可太会扭了 小粒什么都看 2.1万 263 【BOYSTORY】不敢想象如果这三个舞台能现场看到是多么好 姜芷悦 155...
2024年澳大利亚留学政策变化 | 澳洲政府计划在2024年推行许多改革措施,包括对学生签证和毕业生临时签证(temporary graduate visas)提出更严格的英语语言要求,以及针对需求领域技能人才的新签证。政府还概述了未来改革的领域,包括永久技术移民、偏远地区移民和打工度假计划(Working Holiday Maker program),这些都将在2024年期间...