Kennel von Alaska+更多 近亲繁殖系数 / 祖先流失系数 只供注册会员观看 血统繁殖 只供注册会员观看 Crok von der Mördersdell和Quena vom Salztalblick的血统+血统伸延 第一代 第二代 第三代 Crok von der Mördersdell (短) 15. 七月 2008 VDH/SZ 2222489 只供注册会员观看 HD-normal, ED-...
von Alaska 联络人: Edgar Muth 电话号码: 手机号码: 电子邮箱: 网页: 幼犬所在地: 配种日期: 出生日期: 这窝的幼犬数量: 地图将很快生成并为您所用。 显示犬舍 Brisco vom Patriot 繁殖: 德国牧羊犬 (短毛) 出生日期: 16. 三月 2008 肩高/ 体重: ...
31 Dog Breeds of the American Kennel Club’s Working Dog Group Breed histories of working dogs What are some of the oldest working dogs? Host, Michele Forto’s Bio: Michele Forto is the lead trainer for Alaska Dog Works where they train dogs for service work, obedience, and more. ...
plus historic photos from Alaska, New England [Note: photo of Eve Seeley is incorrectly placed with Monandnock,Lorna Demidoff with Cold River] A History of the Siberian Husky - in-depth guide to the origins and history of the breed, from WorkingDogWeb...
At the end of a project but still procrastinating and having to reward myself for getting work done with reading breaks. Managed to undecorate the tree fully last night. I just need to put it outside to help block off a possble escape route for one dog. Very cold here, and the ...
working-dog是为训犬师、繁殖人、及工作犬爱好者而设的全球最大网上社群。 请点击这里以最新方式感受竞技犬运动。
In the wake of COVID-19, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers made the decision to close hunter safety courses in Oneida County. The Wisconsin-based group, Hunter Nation,was outraged by the decision, reports, saying that the decision deprives thousands of people of carrying on the hunti...
Dog Information Alaska of Stardust Angels 繁殖: 瑞士白牧羊犬 繁殖于: ÖKV / FCI 出生日期: 01.07.2007 (17 年) 肩高/ 体重: 0.00 cm / 0.00 kg 血统书编号: ÖHZB BBS 8??/R 晶片号码: 只供注册会员观看 犬种组织: 只供注册会员观看 繁殖名衔: no data 工作名衔...