复旦大学国际问题研究院姜茗予助理研究员与日本青山学院大学经济学部安井健悟教授,日本神户大学经济学研究科勇上和史教授在国际期刊《Telecommunications Policy》上发表了题为“Working from home, job tasks, and productivity”的论文。该期刊...
Studies show that Zoom exhaustion is felt by remote workers and can have an impact on one’s mental and physical health. That’s why choosing the right form of business communication is beneficial in a WFH situation. You don’t even need a laptop. With a full-featured business phone app...
For work-from-home believers, it looks like the revenge of corporate curmudgeons.对于居家办公支持者来说,这似乎是办公室办公支持者们的报复。Didn’t a spate of studies during the covid-19 pandemic demonstrate that remote work was often more productive than toiling in the office? 疫情期间,一系...
While the transition to increased remote working in many industries has been fast-tracked by recent global safety measures,The Guardianand others have intuited a "permanent shift" towards working from home. This growing trend is backed by studies and surveys which indicate the popularity of remote...
“Innovation in the workplace can occur through random, spontaneous ‘watercooler’ conversations between employees,” explained lead researcher Dr Christoph Siemroth. “However, these ‘productive accidents’ are less likely to occur when employees work from home. Our research has found that innovation...
studies the trade-off between working time and leisure and shows that most of the commute time saved by WFH is allocated to work rather than leisure. Closer to us, both temporally and topic-wise, a handful of theoretical papers, which include Gokan...
While 鈥榯he home鈥is omnipresent within studies of home-located work, the physical or material qualities of the home tend to be positioned as a stable setting within which occupants manage the social complications of home-work. By contrast, we discuss how domestic materialities play a dynamic ...
2. 原句:Early studies showed an increase in work output for remote workers, but a recent revision of a noted 2020 study saw that gain turn into a 4% decline when factoring in more precise data. 仿写:早期研究表明,实施人工智能可以大幅提高生产力,但对2022年一项研究的最近回顾发现,当考虑到员工...
Some studies showed that working from home is moreproductive. Individuals who work from home, on average, are 10 minutes less productive in a day, work one more day per week, and are 47% more productive.45 Though working from home has shown to be more productive, it still socially isolate...
The Impact Of Working From Home On Productivity. A Study On The Pandemic Period The study on working from home productivity has received much interest from researchers in the recent years. Numerous studies have found working from home ... B Mirela - 《Annals of Faculty of Economics》 被引量...