Working from home (WFH) in response to COVID has reduced boundaries between home and work roles. It has also reduced in-person interaction, replacing it with digital communication including Video and text. We use personality theory to compare self-presentation on these media versus in-person ...
but it's surprising how quickly it becomes a non-issue. Especially, if everyone does it. If the meeting is just one person giving a presentation - then think about which they're likely to prefer -
Working from home (WFH) in response to COVID has reduced boundaries between home and work roles. It has also reduced in-person interaction, replacing it with digital communication including Video and text. We use personality theory to compare self-presentation on these media ver...
Having a specific external SSD for work may prevent you from an embarrassing mix up where coworkers see your prized gaming library instead of an important presentation. Tip 5: Stay Connected Staying connected is huge when working from home. If you haven’t lost connectivity when working from...
production into presentation, some will come via TV, some begin their careers as travel reporters or news reporters. Whatever Paula decides, all the team wish her the best of luck and we’ll definitely have her back on the show.”
The Covid-19 pandemic and related massive spread of home based work led to substantial changes in the conditions for combining work and childbearing. On the one hand, working from home helped parents to accommodate increased childcare needs during the pandemic. On the other hand, it led to acu...
presentation, also known as personal grooming. While in the past I have had a love-hate relationship with "dressing for success," (I could easily write a blog on the evils of pantyhose or high heels) working from home certainly involves experimentation with new lows in self ca...
Small group or all-company meetings, 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the topic. Formal; typically a presentation by one or more individuals on a specific topic. The topics may range from things like a new strategic initiative, an HR-mandated training, or even training on a particular tool ...
Perched on the top of the hill overlooking the breathtaking caldera the island is famous for, guests can enjoy world-class service while putting the finishing touches on that last-minute presentation for your boss. And the reward? Sipping on a glass of local wine while enjoying one of those ...
Unpacking Complementarities between ICT Adoption, Human Resource Practices and Office Layout [Paper presentation]. The 9th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, Matera. Rajanen, M., & Rajanen...