Women Leaders Gather For UN Debate, Form Association For Equality dpa WWR Article Summary (tl;dr) On the opening day of the United Nations General Debate on Tuesday, only two of the 33... 1.9K Business Janet Jagan’s Journey From Chicago’s South Side To The Presidency Of Guyana Ron...
An MIT spinoff partly funded by Bill Gates signed a new agreement last month to continue its nuclear fusion research for at least the next five years in a bid to make commercial nuclear fusion a reality. The Commonwealth Fusion System (CFS), named for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, will...
For more than three decades, the Massachusetts Association of Health Plans (MAHP) has been the leading voice for health plans in Massachusetts. We are a non-profit organization committed to promoting high-quality, affordable, and equitable health care. MAHP represents 13 health plans and 1 behav...
An advocate is one who can speak or write in support, on behalf, or in defense of another person. This is what we do for parents with children who come under the category of “special education.” We have the knowledge and expertise regarding special education as well as the applicable fe...
>>>us.states.COMMONWEALTHS[<State:Kentucky>,<State:Massachusetts>,<State:Pennsylvania>,<State:Virginia>] There's also a list of obsolete territories: >>>us.states.OBSOLETE[<State:Dakota>,<State:Orleans>,<State:PhilippineIslands>] The state lookup method allows matching by FIPS code, abbreviatio...
“Deportations are a spectacle to turn Americans against one another, to make us afraid, and to get us to see pain and camps as normal. They also create busy-work for law enforcement, locating the “criminals” in workplaces across the country, as the crime of the century takes place at...
(HAC) will initiate a Cape-wide awareness campaign of the program. Patrick believes that leveraging state funds for the pressing needs of commonwealth workers is essential for the state's long-term economic growth and prosperity.BrooksUndersecretaryTina...
The cats and I have been MIA for a while because I think the enormity of losing half my family (both parents) last year, with the remaining quarter (my sister) moving to Portugal by spring has finally hit. I’m the last Wormald standing in Virginia, and I’m still trying to figure ...
The Twelve Tribes once again in court for two casesJuly 11, 2023 “They are evil”: Ex-Twelve Tribes members describe child abuse, control inside religious cultMarch 3, 2023 Inside the tribe-Podcast featuring many TT ex-membersDecember 24, 2022 ...
His work with the Boston Society for Natural History led to a position with the Natural History Survey of the Commonwealth, where Storer managed the fishes and reptiles portion of the survey, resulting in the eventual publication of A History of the Fishes of Massachusetts. Storer’s internet ...