A recent advance in active inference models is the use of a hierarchical MDP as a generative model (see Fig.4, right)11. The addition of hierarchical levels allows for a rich representation of deep temporal structure, in which higher levels of the model evolve over a time scale that is sl...
Civil War Women Working in Hospitals In Union hospitals, the term matron referred to the woman who had the responsibility of supervising the wards in general hospitals – large military facilities in Northern cities, far away from the battlefields. Running hospitals during the war taught women that...
The other subspecies, Calidris canutus canutus, stops on the Wadden Sea in August to build reserves in preparation for a 4500km (about 3000 mile) migration to western and southern Africa, where the birds overwinter (or oversummer, for the birds that cross into the Southern hemisphere) and fin...
Development budgets for NMTC projects generally range from $5 million to $30 million; currently there are no limit restrictions. Due to transaction costs, a soft minimum of $5 million is generally recommended, but options may exist for smaller projects. Transaction Lifecycle Although the NMTC has ...
Adams, P. D. et al. PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. D., Biol. Crystallogr. 66, 213–221 (2010). Article CAS Google Scholar Download references Acknowledgements We thank the Cryo-EM Facility of Southern University of Sc...
In the NYU case, researchers kept a deceased woman's body going on a ventilator after her family agreed to the experiment. The woman had wished to donate her organs, but they weren’t suitable for traditional donation. The family felt "there was a possibility that some good could come from...
applied to deuterium-deuterium neutron profile diagnostics in the deuterium gas operation of a helical-type magnetic confinement plasma device, called the Large Helical Device, to observe the radial profile of neutron emissivity for the first time in a three-dimensional magnetic confinement fusion ...