打开deckbuild后EDIT-Preferences 目录设置不能有中文,否则识别不出来
The working directory is invalid.Explanation:The directory specified in the Working Directory option or in the Command Path option does not exist.User Action:Select OK, then specify the name of a directory that contains the program file and all of the required libraries....
Description docker CLI reports error docker: Error response from daemon: the working directory '...' is invalid, it needs to be an absolute path. Steps to reproduce the issue: Use docker CLI on Windows for Windows containers Run docker r...
Urgent! Problem debugging application - error: Directory is not a valid working directory. Nov 17 '05, 01:43 PM I'm trying to debug an application in the VC dot net compiler and when I begin, I get the error: Unable to start debugging ...
the working directory is not writable解决办法,#tail/var/log/messages总是报错Oct3014:45:41mailnamed[11556]:theworkingdirectoryisnotwritable但是/etc/init.d/named又能启动成功我的问题主要是/var/named目录没有给予bind进程账号named写入权限.原目录所有者为:rootn
If you've just cloned the directory, and opened the solution, then you may need to build the project first. The complaint is that the executable can't be found. Usually, if you're building a project using Visual Studio (I'm assuming you're opening the project in VS), the bin directo...
HResult=0x80004005Message=An error occurred trying to start process'D:\C\ConsoleApp69\Image\1.jpg'with working directory'D:\C\ConsoleApp69\bin\Debug\net8.0'. The specified executableisnot a valid applicationforthisOS platform. Source=System.Diagnostics.Process ...
What happened: If Grafana is started with the current working directory set to directory that the process does not have permission to access then it fails to start, yielding an error: panic: error getting work directory: stat .: permissi...
解决方式:要先把要添加的文件放到working copy相应的目录下;执行add。再按commit即可。另一种方法是;打开SVN客户端;首先要从服务器上把这个版本库checkout到客户端;然后在checkout出来的文件夹里进行操作。另外记录一个小知识点,如果想删除本机的Service可以运行" SC Delete ServiceName"命令。如果你...
It would be nice if there were some indication of what it's checking in order to determine whether or not you're in a Cordova-based project. Collaborator Hey@atuttle, let's see if we can fix this issue for you! TheError: Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project.iscall...