UK 256 working days = 36.6 weeks spent working US 261 working days = 37.3 weeks spent working Denmark 254 working days = 36.3 weeks spent working Australia 254 working days = 36.3 weeks spent working Ireland 252 working days = 36 weeks spent working Russia 249 working days = 35.6 weeks spen...
This is a good job, Bank of Ireland are great to work for. However sometimes training is delayed and that feels stressful. This is due to COVID mostly Pros Good money, good hours Cons Work on weekends- advertised as Mon to Friday but isn't Was this review helpful? YesNo Report Share...
Garage Operative(Former Employee)-Dublin Airport, County Dublin-2 May 2023 You are kept very busy, days go quickly staff are very pleasant and welcoming. Located at airport so all sorts of interesting customers & people to encounter on day to day. No two days are the same. Would recommend...
Live data operator (Former Employee) - Ireland - 10 January 2025 What is the best part of working at the company?Exciting live sports, nuanced work. What is the most stressful part about working at the company?9 months engagement with 1 months pay. 4 months unpayed training! Treated with...
Deputy Manager(Former Employee)-Northern Ireland-2 September 2019 Underpaid, under appreciated, the most backward company I’ve ever had the misfortune of working for, I’m actually dumbfounded as to how they haven’t went into administration, I’d imagine it won’t be too far off though, ...
Carer(Current Employee)-Ireland-23 March 2023 I wouldn't advice anyone to work for this company. Area manager is great as are the staff in the area though higher up management and office staff are very rude and abrupt and have no time for staff on the ground doing all the hard work. ... iv v vii ...
Assistant Manager(Former Employee) - Northern Ireland - 18 March 2024 Enjoyed time here however complete lack of training or care from higher management. Just left to it and hope you don’t sink. Good team but staff turnover in management positions says it all 3.0 Large workload, fast p...
WORKING EVERY DAY IN THE INTEREST OF OUR CUSTOMERS AND SOCIETY AUGUST 2023 CREDIT UPDATE Disclaimer This document has been prepared by Crédit Agricole S.A. on the basis of proprietary information and is available on its website ( ...
Subfigure a is a box and whiskers plot of the distribution of \(\textrm{CCC}_{it}\), distinguishing by the following countries: DE (Germany), EE (Estonia), FR (France), GB (United Kingdom), HR (Croatia), HU (Hungary), Ireland (IE) and US (United States). Subfigure b displays ...