Working at Height 4.8 (8) 8.4K Course Electricity: The Shocking Truth 4.9 (8) 4.2K Course Plant and Machinery 4.9 (8) 4.1K Course: Working at Height | BusinessBalls: Leadership, Compliance, Soft Skills Training
Ideal for those who have a responsibility for or are involved in work at height. Offshore rig workers and spiders in construction industry. Designed for anyone who may at times be required to work at heights where fall protection is required. Course Content WORK AT HEIGHT Training Occupational ...
That means working at height above ground level, and you could fall through an opening or from an edge. Employers are required to ensure that workers on the construction projects complete a working at heights course even if they are using given methods of fall protection. Duration and Validity...
Working at Height - Simplified March 2014 In a bid to cut ‘red tape’ and simplify things for businesses, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has recently overhauled its guidance for working at height. Setting out in clear, simple terms what to do and what not to do, the UK ...
byJoe(Updated on 2012-04-15) Taking advantage of existing Behaviors is a great way to get a game up and running quickly. Eventually, however, you’ll come across a Behavior that you want to tweak, or you’ll want to implement functionality for which no Behavior exists at all. For these...
Maybe you think I’m crazy, but remember this show premiered in the heat of the Cold War. Back then the big bosses were still scared of reds.  The height the “Hollywood Blacklist” was 1956. That’s when the bosses and their flunky politicians purged and prosecuted...
Stimuli. Visual stimuli were generated colored bars (1.1° in length, 0.4° in height) presented on a gray back- ground. The color and orientation of each memory stimulus were randomly selected from 360 possible colors (1–360, in 1 color step) and 180 possible angles (1–180, in 1...
(Of course, all of this gets mixed in with Genesis, with Adam and Eve and a serpent that spoke of temptation. The lesson, again, was fear.) Our father was a snake killer. Every snake he saw, he slaughtered with whatever tool was closest at hand. His histrionics over snakes were the...
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); // Work on the Graphics object and create the image CreateTheImage(g); g.Dispose(); // Save to JPEG bmp.Save("file.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg); bmp.Dispose(); To convert an existing image ...
Setting the width/height of an image instance is done in relative (percentage) format, so 200% will double its size in that dimension while 50% will halve it.Note: Getting an image's width/height (in %) returns the value in relative format where 1.0 means 100%, 0.5 means 50% and ...