We thank Isabelle Morin from Abt Associates for her help in obtaining the pollution intensity data. We acknowledge financial support from the Fundación Ramón Areces, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the European Research Council (FP7/2007-2013, grant 263846). The views ...
approach to manoeuvring within social and political realities to achieve development goals, which some see as a new orthodoxy [Teskey 2017. Thinking and Working Politically: Are We Seeing the Emergence of a Second Orthodoxy? Governance Working Paper Series, Issue 1. Massachusetts: Abt Associates]. ...
Private Sector Engagement at USAID 7 By the Numbers… Since 2001, USAID has built over 1,500 public-private partnerships involving more than 3,500 unique partner organizations, with an estimated value of more than $20 billion in public and private funds. Leveraged nearly $3 in partner contribut...
We also present comparatively new non-traditional features of the hash object, such as handlingduplicate keys and finding frequency counters. At the same time, we underscore the necessity of traditional sort-and-mergemethods, but suggest that they be used carefully.David IzraelAbt Associates...
Health insuranceMeetingsPublic healthThis report captures the essence of the outputs of the Social Health Insurance Working Group Meeting in Zimbabwe, held at the Holiday Inn, Mutare on January 2830, 1998.Kress, D. HAbt AssociatesFairbank, AAtim, C...