Natural scientists will continue to be central for achieving improvements in animal welfare, but it also is necessary to include social scientists for better understanding of the role of human behaviour and animals' roles in society, as well as for implementing solutions in order to achieve animal...
HBO's groundbreaking mafia drama,The Sopranos, used animals in a way unlike any other show before it. From the very beginning of the series, family boss Tony's affinity for animals was not only a nod to his apparent sociopathy, but also the impetus for pivotal plot points — think Tony'...
When people think of working animals,what often comes to mind are dogs that watch sheep,horses that work on farms and animals that perform in movies.But there are lots of other jobs animals have had over the years.Dogs have greater sense of smell than humans.This made dogs the traditional...
The most labor intensive part of our job is right at the beginning of the season when we put the water pipes out in the field. Brad and Joanne help us with this part, as it takes 4 people to complete this process. There are four fields that are watered with the pipes. Each field i...
the many plans of God to save and redeem human kind. From the subsiding of the flood waters and the saving of Noah and all the animals, to the parting of the Red Sea, it is humbling to really take in how very much God loves us and wants us to be cleansed of sin and in HIs sav...
But it is still in our nature to try to differentiate “us” (humans) from “them” (other animals). The more we learn about what animals can do, the less humans seem unique. For example, tool use, which was thought to be an ability exclusive to humans, is also present in monkeys,...
plantsthatmightsomedayfuelourars.AndonamodernfarminCalifornia,they observedhowfarmerswereusingtehnologytotakethebestpossibleareoftheir animals. Thesefarmersallspendtheirdaysinverydifferentways-noneofthemlooks likethepreviousfarmerwehaveinourmind—buttheyreallworkingonnewwaysto ...
were domesticated, all horses were wild animals moving in large herds across vast grasslands. The early horse, also known as the dawn horse, originated in North America. The dawn horse, American Camel, Wooly Mammoth, and the Saber Tooth Tiger all belonged to the prairie class of animals. ...
Featured in the center, a Noah’s ark pin and a globe-and-animals pin are connected by an antique miniature watch on a chain. Other items show mammals, birds, insects, fish, reptiles, amphibians, plants, and a fossilized seashell. Text on the cover reads “Alchemy, poems, Rae Spencer”...