Finally, in 1947 the efforts of john Walter and Bardeen a rough two-point contact device was made which was nowhere near to the modern of a bipolar junction transistor but it laid the foundation for the construction of a solid-state transistor when previously everything was vacuum! ...
It is a low noise Op Amp with JFET inputs. It operates in wide common mode and consumes very little current. It requires very low input bias and offset currents. It’s output is short circuit protected and has very high slew rate of 13 V/us and exhibits latch free working.TL0 71 is...
Amplification is a process of increasing the signal strength by increasing the amplitude of a given signal without changing its characteristics. An RC coupled amplifier is a part of a multistage amplifier wherein different stages of amplifiers are connected using a combination of a resistor and a c...
UJT relaxation oscillatoris a type of RC ( resistor-capacitor) oscillator where the active element is a UJT (uni-junction transistor). UJT is an excellent switch with switching times in the order of nano seconds. It has a negative resistance region in the characteristics and can be easily emp...