Although industrialized nations have long provided public protection to working-age individuals with disabilities, the form has changed over time. The impetus fBurkhauser, Richard V.Daly, Mary C.Ziebarth, Nicolas R.Social Science Electronic Publishing...
Mistrust surrounding vaccination recommendations by the Japanese government: results from a national survey of working-age individuals. Mistrust surrounding vaccination recommendations by the Japanese government: results from a national survey of working-age individuals. BMC Public Health 2015;... Koji,Wada...
, suggesting that older adults were unable to functionally disinhibit task-relevant areas as efficiently as younger adults during the perceptual analysis of real-world objects.b, However, this age-related deficit in alpha suppression remained significant even after older adults received active ...
Finally, we tested whether the relationship between sex partner age differences and sexual behaviors was confounded by working. Working greater number of hours was not significantly associated with having older sex partners. Sex partner age differences was associated with number of partners, condom use...
Individuals can be civilly or criminally liable for child labor violations if they employ or permit underage work.Additionally, employers of minors can still be liable for violating California labor laws that are unrelated to the young employee’s age, such as:...
To sum up: Current immigration contributes to new worker growth and to total worker growth net of retirements. Not as dramatically as some conjecture. However, if it is important to keep the working age population growing, then new immigrants every year are very important. ...
This paper provides a comparative analysis of west and central east European countries focusing on how work flexibility affects individuals and their households and particularly their ability to combine family and work life. In addition, the paper has two further concerns. First, the analysis takes ...
It is therefore important that we understand more about people currently working past normal retirement age. They will provide insights about the factors enabling individuals to remain in work up to (and beyond) SPA as it rises in the future. This chapter explores the prevalence and ...
To further inspect the relationship between individual differences in working memory and outcome-specific PIT, the raw number of congruent and incongruent responses was taken into account. The whole sample was divided into two groups with a median split, in order to separate individuals with high an...
In light of the considerable differences in consumption between individuals, changes in the age structures of a family can significantly affect food consumption [39,47,48]. Therefore, in light of China’s aging population, changes in age structures are critical factors that must be considered when...