- Non-ABAP RFC client (partner type) not supported (353597) DegreeOfParallelism No The number of calls to process in parallel. To add this parameter and change the value, from the Add new parameter list, select DegreeOfParallelism, and enter the new value. SapActions No Filter the messages...
Hi just small attempt from my side to explain the step by step process for logically deleting any workflow in SAP. https://thesharpturtles.wordpress.com/2017/06/17/how-to-logically-delete-any-workflowworkitem-in-sap... Former Member 2017 Jul 17 12:45 PM 0 Kudos I want to "comp...
you get a work item in your inbox when the workflow is started, which calls the relevant workflow log during execution. The system deletes this flag automatically when the workflow is terminated.
An evaluation is performed in all approval procedures once a decision has been made. This evaluation establishes whether the request (the object to be approved) was rejected or approved, and then exports this information in a standard return code. The stepEvaluate approval st...
Systems Manager Amazon Transcribe SDK for SAP ABAP Amazon Bedrock Runtime CloudWatch DynamoDB Amazon EC2 Kinesis Lambda Amazon S3 SageMaker AI Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Amazon Textract Amazon Translate SDK for Swift Amazon Cognito Identity DynamoDB IAM Lambda Amazon S3 AWS STS Amazon Transcribe Streaming...
- Non-ABAP RFC client (partner type) not supported (353597) DegreeOfParallelism No The number of calls to process in parallel. To add this parameter and change the value, from the Add new parameter list, select DegreeOfParallelism, and enter the new value. SapActions No Filter the messages...
- Non-ABAP RFC client (partner type) not supported (353597) DegreeOfParallelism No The number of calls to process in parallel. To add this parameter and change the value, from the Add new parameter list, select DegreeOfParallelism, and enter the new value. SapActions No Filter the messages...
Workflow startenals generischer Objektdienst: Das Bezugsobjekt ist das Objekt, das beim Aufruf der Funktion bearbeitet wird. Detail: Welche Workflows werden zur Auswahl angeboten? Damit Ihnen ein Workflow zur Auswahl angeboten wird, müssen folgende Kriterien...
- Non-ABAP RFC client (partner type) not supported (353597) DegreeOfParallelism No The number of calls to process in parallel. To add this parameter and change the value, from the Add new parameter list, select DegreeOfParallelism, and enter the new value. SapActions No Filter the messages...
- Non-ABAP RFC client (partner type) not supported (353597) DegreeOfParallelism No The number of calls to process in parallel. To add this parameter and change the value, from the Add new parameter list, select DegreeOfParallelism, and enter the new value. SapActions No Filter the messages...