Ihopeto go to Mauritiusandmakemoremoney.OnceIhaveseenthe world,Imaysettle down.”Whatwasremarkable aboutthisstatement washercandidex-pressionof hersexualdesires,atopicthatmostBangladeshiwomenwouldnotspeakaboutopenlytoanoutsider.Traditionally, womenareexpectedto maketheirbodies andvoicesinvisiblebecauseawomanwho...
Brothel managers had urged Annah to lie about her background and tell clients that she was from Jamaica or Mauritius, in effect to deny her culture and community. Alongside this, the working conditions in the massage parlours were always on the side of the owner. Harsh fines were imposed ...
(2023). Mapping domestic work and discrimination in Africa: A study of global and African regional norms, with case studies on Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Malawi, Ghana, South Africa, Uganda, Mauritius and Lesotho. Washington DC: ILAW, March. Google Scholar International Programme on the ...