Charlie Carlock has been representing Indiana’s injured workers and helping them win worker’s compensation cases since 1996. Contact us today.
I chose Attorney Jackson because of the Jackson 5 and that they were born in Gary, Indiana. I am a CNA and my work industry is caregiving. My employment as a Certified Nursing Assistant at an assisted living facility for seniors is rewarding.. You must have the heart, patience, and drive...
Cassandra was assigned to my case as my attorney and Blanca as her assistant. They were very polite and provided details to my case in a very understandable way. Workers compensation insurance has been very difficult to work with along with trying to direct them to my preferred surgeon. ...
Finding the right remedy for an injured worker; where the ADA and workers' compensation meet. (Americans with Disabilities Act) (includes related article on Association of Trial Lawyers of America Section on Workers' Compensation and Workplace Injury) (Proof of Damages)...
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Specify the frequency with which injured workers in Washington State's compensation system retained an attorney or filed an appeal, and the personal and job-related correlates of these actions. Analyze the relationship between workers' legal actions and their satisfaction in two ...
This pa-per measures the uncertainty in workers compensation loss reserve indications, compares it to the "implicit in-terest margin" in statutory (undiscounted) reserves, and examines the implications for capital requirements. The paper uses a stochastic simulation analysis to model the loss reserving...
Gary M. FranklinThomas M. WickizerNorma B. CoeDeborah FultonKehoe
Gary M. FranklinRoy Plaeger-BrockwayRobert D. MootzMilbank Memorial FundMilbank QuarterlyWickizer T, et al. Improving the quality of workers' compensation health care deliv- ery: the Washington State occupational health services project. Milbank Q 2001; 79: 5-33....
Gary FranklinRoy Plaeger〣rockwayRobert D. MootzJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Milbank QuarterlyWickizer TM, Franklin G, Plaeger-Brockway R, et al. Improving the quality of workers' compensation health care delivery: The Washington State Oc- cupational Health Services Project. Milbank Q 2001;79:5-...