You must report to your worker’s comp doctor at least every 45 days or the rules say that the insurance company can stop your payments. When you designate a doctor from the MPN list that person becomes your PTP (Primary Treating Physician) and is responsible for your medical care throughou...
“SHOULD YOU TELL YOUR EMPLOYEES ABOUT WORKERS’ COMP?” ASKS AND ANSWERS Michael Stack There should also be discussions with employees about HOW TO FIND A LEGIT WORKCOMP LAWYER ...
San Bernardino Terrorist Attack Victims Fight for Comp Benefits "the bureaucratic nightmare of utilization review is a hindrance to the recovery of all injured workers." Alan Gurvey read more 4th DCA Asked to Decide if Treatment by MPN Doctor Goes Through UR/IMR "The denial of treatment through...
Yvonne Guibert is a marketing consultant that has worked with numerous national workers’ compensation brands. She has consistently supported WorkCompCentral and has been a very visible supporter of the Comp Laude® Awards. A seasoned public speaker, Ms. Guibert’s presentation delivery was eloquent...
We’ve been getting many questions about the Health Strategy Associates Workers’ Comp Facility Assessment Tool. One that’s come up a few times is how big a “lift” payers and injured workers can realistically expect by changing facilities. So, I put together a list of the top 10 states...