Node.js 是使用少量线程来处理许多客户端的,如果一个线程因处理一个客户端的请求被阻塞,其它的客户端请求可能不会被受理,直到这个请求处理完。公平的负载每个客户端是应用程序的责任。 这意味着你不应该在任何单个回调或任务中为任何客户端做太多工作。 这是Node.js 可以很好地扩展的部分原因,但这也意味着你有责任...
To load workerpool in a node.js application (both main application as well as workers):const workerpool = require('workerpool');To load workerpool in the browser:To load workerpool in a web worker in the browser:importScripts('workerpool.js');Setting up...
In Node.js everything runs in parallel, except your code. What this means is that all I/O code that you write in Node.js is non-blocking, while (conversely) all non-I/O code that you write in Node.js is blocking. This means that CPU heavy tasks will block other tasks from being ...
This module can only run in Node.js.Installationnpm install node-worker-threads-pool --save Simple ExampleQuickly create a pool with static task:const { StaticPool } = require('node-worker-threads-pool'); const staticPool = new StaticPool({ size: 4, task: (n) => n + 1 }); static...
In Node.js everything runs in parallel, except your code. What this means is that all I/O code that you write in Node.js is non-blocking, while (conversely) all non-I/O code that you write in Node.js is blocking. This means that CPU heavy tasks will block other tasks from being...
Example: Using a Node.js stream to feed a Piscina worker pool:'use strict'; const { resolve } = require('path'); const Pool = require('../..'); const pool = new Pool({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'worker.js'), maxQueue: 'auto' }); const stream = getStreamSomehow(); ...
Here's a good rule of thumb for keeping your Node.js server speedy:Node.js is fast when the work associated with each client at any given time is "small". This applies to callbacks on the Event Loop and tasks on the Worker Pool. ...
nodejs worker pool The modern times make to get you involved with technology inevitably. The internet world has taken over the real world in every sense. Programming and javascript are a significant part of the technological boom today. JavaScript was initially developed for simpler web jobs such...
core: userland: This module strives for a better implementation and simpler API. Like the above, this lib utilizes a child_process pool, using child_process.fork() like so: ...
It is completely based on the Node.js documentation for async_hook: KeywordsnonePackage Sidebar Install npm i @lage-run/worker-threads-pool Repository Homepage microsoft.github....