首先通过New初始化一个worker-pool工作池,然后执行Run开始运行。 初始化的时候传入worker数,对应每个g运行work(ctx,&wg,wp.jobs,wp.results),组成了worker-pool。 同时通过sync.WaitGroup,我们可以等待所有worker工作结束,也就意味着work-pool结束工作,当然可能是因为任务处理结束,也可能是被停止了。 每个job数据源是...
func NewWorker(workerPool chan chan Job, result map[interface{}]int, id int) Worker { return Worker{ id: id, WorkerPool: workerPool, JobChannel: make(chan Job), Result: result, quit: make(chan bool), } } func (w Worker) Start() { go func() { for { //将worker的JobChannel放入...
func NewWorker(workerPool chan chan Job, result map[interface{}]int, id int) Worker { return Worker{ id: id, WorkerPool: workerPool, JobChannel: make(chan Job), Result: result, quit: make(chan bool), } } func (w Worker) Start() { go func() { for { //将worker的JobChannel放入...
go redis golang worker-pool Updated Jun 16, 2018 Go cahitbeyaz / job-worker Star 116 Code Issues Pull requests Job/Worker pattern example in golang http://marcio.io/2015/07/handling-1-million-requests-per-minute-with-golang/ golang worker-management worker-pool Updated Apr 11, 2017...
"MasterWorkerPattern/worker" ) type Master struct { WorkerPool chan chan worker.Job //worker池 Result map[interface{}]int //存放worker处理后的结果集 jobQueue chan worker.Job //待处理的任务chan workerList []worker.Worker //存放worker列表,用于停止worker } var maxworker int //maxWorkers:开启...
This library is meant to provide a simple and idiomatic way to manage concurrency in Go programs. Based on theWorker Pool pattern, it allows running a large number of tasks concurrently while limiting the number of goroutines that are running at the same time. This is useful when you need ...
master-worker模式是⼀种并⾏模式,它的核⼼思想,系统有两个进程或者线程协议⼯作,master负责接收和分配并整合任务(merge),worker进程负责处理⼦任务(divide),可见这也是⼀种归并的思想,当客户端进程启动后,开启master进程,流程如图所⽰ 1.ZooKeeper中的master-worker实现 每个worker的监控与调度可以...
These comparisons would allow me to see how the same pattern operated under types of loads and hopefully uncover some situations where this was an optimal pattern to follow. levelup.gitconnected.com/golang-channels-goroutines-and-optimal-concurrency-demystifying-through-examples-a43ba6aee74f ...