前面的答案听起来是正确的。您可以通过在master上运行kubectl describe node node01来验证,或者在kubectl...
前面的答案听起来是正确的。您可以通过在master上运行kubectl describe node node01来验证,或者在kubectl...
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES calico-kube-controllers-5b8b769fcd-srkrb 1/1 Running 0 3d19h k8s-jmeter-2.novalocal <none> <none> calico-node-5c8xj 1/1 Running 10 51d k8s-node-1.novalocal <none> <none> calico-node-9d...
work 节点执行 kubeadm join 命令后集群状态一直显示 not ready,如下的 k8s-node-4 $ kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION k8s-jmeter-1.novalocal Ready <none> 17d v1.18.5 k8s-jmeter-2.novalocal Ready <none> 17d v1.18.5 k8s-jmeter-3.novalocal Ready <none> 17d v1.18.5 k8s-mast...
after running the join command in the worker node it's getting added to master, but the status of the worker node is getting changed to ready. From the logs I got the following : Container runtime network not ready: NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message...
auto-approve-csrs-for-group:自动 approve node 的第一次 CSR; 注意第一次 CSR 时,请求的 Group 为 system:bootstrappers; node-client-cert-renewal:自动 approve node 后续过期的 client 证书,自动生成的证书 Group 为 system:nodes; node-server-cert-renewal:自动 approve node 后续过期的 server 证书,自...
某个Node超过指定时间不上报信息,会被Master判定为“失联”,Node的状态被标记为不可用(Not Ready), 随后Master会触发“工作负载转移”的自动流程。 Pod 构成 Pause 容器: 根容器 User 容器: 一个或多个紧密相关的用户业务容器。 设计Pause 原因: 以它的状态代表整个容器组的状态。
The connection to the server localhost:8080was refused - did you specify the right host or port?[root@redis-01kubernetes]# 二、原因 kubectl运行需要使用kubernetes-admin来运行 三、解决 1、将master节点的/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf复制从node节点的/etc/kubernetes目录下 ...
node-216 NotReady <none> 13s v1.23.6 node-238 Ready control-plane,master 3h26m v1.23.6 查询日志 root@node-216:/etc/kubernetes# journalctl -f -u kubelet May 18 22:46:51 node-216 kubelet[4249]: I0518 22:46:51.401053 4249 cni.go:205] "Error validating CNI config list" configList=...
Admin Describe the bug I'm deploying a downstream k3s cluster and helm installing theAWS cloud controllerand thecluster-autoscalerto enable worker-node autoscaling. This is working well, but when the nodes are removed from the kubernetes cluster by the aws cloud controller, the rancher machine ob...