// The primordial worker's main class constructor public function PrimordialWorkerClass() { init(); } private function init():void { var swfBytes:ByteArray = this.loaderInfo.bytes; // Check to see if this is the primordial worker if (Worker.current.isPrimordial) { // create a background...
(1)虚拟机配置 虚机配置2核2G以上可访问外网操作系统CentOS 7.6 x86架构的 (2)关闭防火墙 firewall-cmd --state # 查看防火墙状态systemctl stop firewalld # 停止防火墙的服务systemctl disable firewalld # 禁止开机启动 如果不关闭防火墙,需要开发端口,具体如下:控制平面相关端口:工作节点相关端口:(3...
WORKER_INVALID 错误检查的值为 0x000000E4。 这表示不应包含执行工作项的内存中确实包含这样的项,或者当前活动的工作项已排队。 重要 这篇文章适合程序员阅读。 如果你是在使用计算机时收到蓝屏错误代码的客户,请参阅蓝屏错误疑难解答。 WORKER_INVALID 参数 ...
The alertabuddy™ system is designed to give you many reasons to choose us... Check-in, Check-out Users can easily set alarms for later, to ensure they are safe after an appointment or travel period. Panic alarm Raise the alarm at the touch of a button by speed-dialling the dedicated...
systemctl restart chronyd && systemctl enable chronyd 验证chrony 同步状态。 代码语言:shell 复制 # 执行查看命令 chronyc sourcestats -v # 正常的输出结果如下 [root@ks-worker-1 ~]# chronyc sourcestats -v .- Number of sample points in measurement set. / .- Number of residual runs with same...
向线程池中加入了一个线程,每隔WORKER_TIMEOUT_MS(默认60秒)时间去检测是否有Worker超时,其实就是向自己发送了一个CheckForWorkerTimeOut事件,稍后再细讲。 Worker启动 多个节点上的Worker是通过脚本start-slaves.sh启动,底层调用的类是: 代码语言:javascript ...
WORKER_THREAD_INVALID_STATE 错误检查的值为 0x000001D2。 此错误表示执行工作线程处于无效状态。 WORKER_THREAD_INVALID_STATE 参数 参数说明 1故障类型 2工作线程的地址 3Reserved 4Reserved 参数1 值 0x0:正在终止的工作线程有未完成的 I/O 2 - 工作线程的地址 ...
Operating SystemApp is 32-bit1Runtime identifier Windows True win-x86 Windows False win-x64 Linux True N/A (not supported) Linux False linux-x641 Only 64-bit apps are eligible for some other performance optimizations.To check if your Windows app is 32-bit or 64-bit, you can run the ...
Getting a MySQL deadlock error on worksheets.codalab.org every few hours at irregular intervals when handling a worker check-in. Error report: Error on request by codalab(0): POST /workers/clws-w2(29917)/checkin Query params: Form params: JSON body: { "cpus": 4, "dependencies": [ [ ...
In this article IMPERSONATING_WORKER_THREAD Parameters Cause The IMPERSONATING_WORKER_THREAD bug check has a value of 0x000000DF. This indicates that a workitem did not disable impersonation before it completed. Important This article is for programmers. If you're a customer who has received...