Again, we found only small changes in students' memory for studied worked examples after the delay, and no changes for unstudied examples or problem-solving accuracy. Our findings suggest the costs of teaching with incorrect worked examples are limited to the specific studied problems, and do not...
In Experiment 1, we tested whether self-assessment accuracy depended on whether learners were prompted to infer their self-assessments from explanation-based cues (ability to explain the problems’ solutions) or from performance-based cues (problem-solving performance) and on whether learners were ...
The examples below are about mathematics for the obvious reason. END OF SPECIAL NOTE Someone takes high-school math courses in which all that is required of them is that they learn algorithms for solving assigned problems, and they think that learning those is what lea...
In the present context where students are learning to solve problems, they have the option to either solve a problem or study a worked example. In the context of the SRL framework, solving a problem represents a means to monitor using a self test, which can then inform a decision about wh...
We can stay young forever.That is the message Dr.Shen Ziyin wants to give the world.And the Chinese doctor claims that he has found an answer to the problems of aging. His solution is a herbal medicine to slow the process of aging. ...
. Michael Dawe has been solving AI and gameplay problems in games since 2007, work- ing on games such as Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Dance Central Spotlight, and Grand Theft Auto 5. He is a frequent speaker for the AI Summit at the Game Developers Conference, is a founding member of...
___, managers would be better off if they proactively met with staff individually to better understand any problems they’re having before they get to the point of quitting. Good questions to ask include What do you wish you could spend less time on? The increasing...
Evidence for Cognitive Science Principles that Impact Learning in Mathematics 2017, Acquisition of Complex Arithmetic Skills and Higher-Order Mathematics Concepts Show abstract Parsons Problems and Beyond: Systematic Literature Review and Empirical Study Designs 2022, Annual Conference on Innovation and Technol...