我的项目的目录结构如下 docker-compose.yml |-services |-orders |-DockerFile 我使用的标准ASP.Net核心DockerFile具有以下内容: FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1 AS base WORKDIR /app EXPOSE 80 FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:3.1 AS build WORKDIR /src COPY ["Services/Orders/Orde...
当构建的时候,由用户指定构建镜像的上下文路径,而docker build会将这个路径下所有的文件都打包上传给 Docker引擎,引擎内将这些内容展开后,就能获取到所有指定上下文中的文件了。 比如: Dockerfile中的COPY ./package.json /project,其实拷贝的并不是本机目录下的package.json文件,而是Docker引擎中展开的构建上下文中的...
WORKDIR指令可在Dockerfile中多次使用。如果提供了相对路径,则它将相对于上一个WORKDIR指令的路径。 例如: WORKDIR/aWORKDIRbWORKDIRcRUNpwd The output of the finalpwdcommand in thisDockerfilewould be/a/b/c. 该Dockerfile中最后一个pwd命令的输出为/a/b/c。 TheWORKDIRinstruction can resolve environment vari...
[root@docker01 dockerfiledaemon]# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES d42f7d885c87 centos "/bin/sh" 6 seconds ago Up 4 seconds test # 从下面可以看到,source 的路径是自动分配的一个目录 [root@docker01 dockerfiledaemon]# docker inspect d42f7d885c87 "...
Dockerfile是用于构建Docker镜像的文本文件,其中包含了一系列的指令和参数。通过Dockerfile,我们可以定义镜像的构建过程,包括添加和复制文件等操作。 在Dockerfile中,可以使用ADD和COPY指令来添加和复制文件。这两个指令的作用类似,但有一些细微的差别。 ADD指令:ADD指令可以将本地文件、目录或远程URL添加到镜像中。它具...
WORKDIR指令可以解析以前使用ENV设置的环境变量。您只能使用在Dockerfile中显式设置的环境变量。 例如: ENV DIRPATH=/path WORKDIR $DIRPATH/$DIRNAME RUN pwd 1. 2. 3. The output of the finalpwdcommand in thisDockerfilewould be/path/$DIRNAME. ...
dockerfile: Dockerfile.local env_file: .env ports: - "8090:8080" command: ["/app/xxx-linux"] depends_on: pg: condition: service_healthy And finally Dockerfile.local: FROM alpine:latest WORKDIR /app USER root # built from local Makefile COPY ./bin/xxx-linux . COPY ./api/xxx/docs ...
return &WorkdirCommand{ Path:req.args[0], Path:filepath.ToSlash(path), Copy link Member tonistiigiAug 1, 2020 Maybe instead of usingfilepathand making decisions based on the native architecture, it would be better to move this to dockerfile2llb and use the platform of the dispatchstate ...
if we don’t specify theWORKDIRinstruction, then the Dockerfile will use the default value “/“. Now, thecdcommand will try to change to that directory in the root directory of the filesystem in the Dockerfile. The command will fail if the directory doesn’t exist in the root directory...
Docker WORKDIR Introduction to Docker WORKDIR Docker WORKDIR is a Dockerfile instruction that is used to set the working directory for any of the instructions like RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY and ADD, which means any command mentioned after these instructions will be executed in the working ...