Color palette The color palette to use in the chart. Ignored if the Split by parameter is used Blue, green, red, etc.Metric chart examplesTransactions split by API name as a line chartTransactions split by response type as a large bar chartAverage...
# 需要导入模块: import openpyxl [as 别名]# 或者: from openpyxl importWorkbook[as 别名]defmake_download(self, es_dump_path):self.workbook =Workbook(write_only=True)# Process ES dump filef = open(es_dump_path, encoding='utf-8')whileTrue:# Read 2 lines in the dump filetype_line = f....
59 style.borders = borders #将赋值好的模式参数导入Style 60 sheet.write_merge(i,i,6,8,Line_data,style) #以合并单元格形式写入数据,即将数据写入以第4/5/6列合并德单元格内 61 62 63 # 设置单元格下列宽样式 64 for i in range(6, 15): 65 sheet.write(0,i,Line_data,style) 66 sheet.col...
// create a sheet with red tab colour const sheet = workbook.addWorksheet('My Sheet', {properties:{tabColor:{argb:'FFC0000'}}}); // create a sheet where the grid lines are hidden const sheet = workbook.addWorksheet('My Sheet', {views: [{showGridLines: false}]}); // create a ...
workbook = Workbook(write_only=True) # Process ES dump file f = open(es_dump_path, encoding='utf-8') while True: # Read 2 lines in the dump file type_line = f.readline() source_line = f.readline() if not type_line: break self.process_entity(type_line, source_line, self.write...
// create a sheet with red tab colour const sheet = workbook.addWorksheet('My Sheet', {properties:{tabColor:{argb:'FFC0000'}}}); // create a sheet where the grid lines are hidden const sheet = workbook.addWorksheet('My Sheet', {views: [{showGridLines: false}]}); // create a ...
var myColor = workbook.createColor({ red: 255, green: 192, blue: 203, alpha: 0.5 }); ... // Add additional code Related Topics N/workbook Module SuiteScript 2.x Modules SuiteScript 2.x General Notices Previous Page Next Page On This Page Syntax Related Topics ...
N/workbook Module Members Since 2021.2 Values Value BLACK BLUE BROWN GRAY GREEN ORANGE PINK PURPLE RED WHITE YELLOW Syntax Important: The following code sample shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a complete script example, seeN/workbook Module Script Samples. Al...
Area, bar, line, pie, scatter, time, bar (categorical) Size The vertical size of the control. Small, medium, large, or full Color palette The color palette to use in the chart. Ignored in multi-metric or segmented mode. Blue, green, red Legend The aggregation function to use for the...
I'm asking because the line Code: wsAdvancedFilter.Range("A1").Activate produces that "Run-time error '1004': Activate method of Range class failed" error when I have Code: wbNewReport.Windows(1).Visible = False in operation... Here's the full sub (and yes, I know I've not...