IT & Programming Freelance JobsSign up, create your profile and send your proposals. As easy as that!Sign up
Find freelance Customer Support work on Workana. 272 Customer Support online and remote jobs available.
Finance & Management Freelance Jobs Sign up, create your profile and send your proposals. As easy as that! Sign up
SQL Freelance Jobs Sign up, create your profile and send your proposals. As easy as that! Sign up
Python Freelance Jobs Sign up, create your profile and send your proposals. As easy as that!Sign up By clicking on "Accept all cookies," you agree for cookies to be saved on your device to improve site navigation, analyze site use, and collaborate with our marketing studies.More information...
fake web site, only looking to charge you in order to take jobs after days and weeks of waiting for my profile to be approved, they just said, we didn´t approved it because there are a lot of profiles everyday. If that really was the case, why are there thousands of jobs nontake...
If that really was the case, why are there thousands of jobs nontaken in their website...the real reason they didn´t want to approved it is because I didn´t pay the 30 day approval cost of 200 pesos. Its a fraud this page Date of experience: December 22, 2024 UsefulShare Lize...
fake web site, only looking to charge you in order to take jobs after days and weeks of waiting for my profile to be approved, they just said, we didn´t approved it because there are a lot of profiles everyday. If that really was the case, why are there thousands of jobs nontake...
Jobs can be long term or short term, depending on the employer’s preference. Freelancers can set up their payment methods and negotiate the payment for their services. Clients can pay freelancers after the completion of the project or in milestones, depending on the freelancer’s preference. ...
If that really was the case, why are there thousands of jobs nontaken in their website...the real reason they didn´t want to approved it is because I didn´t pay the 30 day approval cost of 200 pesos. Its a fraud this page Date of experience: December 22, 2024 UsefulShare Lize...