WORK FROM HOME: PART TIME OR FULL TIME Work from home reduces the traveling cost, which means you can spend more of the money on the things you love. You don't have to travel miles to reach office and waste your time on travel. With Online Kam, you have to do is work for a few...
do voluntary work 指做志愿工作或做义工,通常是无薪酬的 work part-time 指做兼职或打短工,是有报酬的
Many people today are choosing to work at home either part time or full time. Because of the computer an d the Internet there are many chances for us to choose from. Many large companies allow people to represent their company an d products from the comfort of their home. This enables al... part-time 表示“兼职工作”的同义短语,与“do part time work”意思相同。 2.engage in part-time work 表示“从事兼职工作”的同义短语,强调个体主动参与兼职工作的行为。 3.perform part-time employment 表示“从事兼职工作”的同义短语,强调个体担任兼职工作的能力或技能。 4.under take part-time wo...
Part Time Jobs to Work from Home at Next job at HomeThounda Craig
没错!1、part-time 能作副词,修饰动词。2、work 不用过去式,只要说话时“我仍在那里工作”,就可以用一般现在时。但是“学会”这个动作结束了,所以用learnt 参见另例:
Part-time(兼职的)jobs for studentsBabysitter(临时保姆)neededRose Hotel part-time workWe need a babysitter to look after our two boys aged 5We are looking for part-time workers to work inand 7 after school from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm, Monday toour hotel on Saturdays.Friday.Come in (8 am...
i didnt know the differences,too.just know the second is a job which always done by young know,i mean students.or just graduate from colleges. 来自Android客户端4楼2015-09-14 21:45 收起回复 小柒先生nice RA 12 66666 来自iPhone客户端5楼2015-09-14 21:55 回复 ...
Part-time(兼职的)Jobs for StudentsBabysitter(临时保姆)neededRose Hotel part-time workWe need a babysitter to look after our twoWe are looking for part-time workers toboys aged 5 and 7 after school from 4: 30 p. m. towork in our hotel on Saturdays.6: 30 p. m. , from Monday to ...
Part-time(兼职的)jobs for studentsBabysitter(临时保姆)neededRose Hotel part-time workWe need a babysitter toWe are looking forlook after our two boys agedpart-time workers to work5 and 7 after school fromin our hotel on Saturdays.4: 30 pm to 6: 30 pm,Come in( 8 am toMonday to Frida...