work breakdown structure chart 【计】 工作分类结构图 work breakdown structure 项目管理时做项目策划的一种手法,把整个项目细分成具体的工作的构成图。也被称为工作分解结构,或工作分解结构图。 WBS是先把项目中实际需要完成的事项尽量分解成更具体的工作。具体做法是按照树形结构先把整 work breakdown structure...
work breakdown structure chart 英 [wɜːk ˈbreɪkdaʊn ˈstrʌktʃə(r) tʃɑːt] 美 [wɜːrk ˈbreɪkdaʊn ˈstrʌktʃər tʃɑːrt]【计】工作分类结构...
How to create a work breakdown structure Much like other planning techniques, such as creating a Gantt Chart, building a work breakdown structure is easier if you follow a consistent process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started. 1. Define the project scope The first step...
structure chart 【计】 结构图 the sleep that knows not breaking n. 长眠,死亡 breaking (destruction) test 断裂试验 breaking knife 轧刀,撞击刀 breaking machine 切碎机,碎茎机,粉碎机 相似单词 breaking n. 1.破坏 2.断裂;【电】断线 3.【语】音之分裂 prison breaking n. 越狱 back brea...
1) work breaking structure chart 工作分解结构图 2) work breakdown structure 工作分解结构 1. Application of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Engine Model Development; 工作分解结构(WBS)在发动机型号研制中的应用 2. The application ofwork breakdown structurein management plan of building item; ...
A work breakdown structure is the foundation of project planning alongside a Gantt diagram. Therefore, to excel yourproject management skills, it’d be also good for you to knowhow to read a Gantt chart. Project managers apply these two approaches to divide complex projects to get things done...
任务分解结构(Work Breakdown Structure, WBS)是项目管理的重要工具,它通过将项目分解成多个小任务,使得项目更加易于管理。WBS工具如WBS Chart Pro和MindView,能够帮助项目经理创建清晰的任务层级结构。 WBS Chart Pro与Microsoft Project无缝集成,适合大型企业使用。而MindView是一款思维导图软件,支持多种项目管理功能,非常...
All the steps of project work are outlined in the work breakdown structure chart, which makes it an essential project planning tool. The final project deliverable, as well as the tasks and work packages associated with it rest on top of the WBS diagram, and the WBS levels below subdivide th...
甘特图(Gantt Chart):甘特图是一种时间轴展示工具,可以清晰地显示项目的任务和时间安排。通过甘特图,项目管理人员可以及时了解项目进度,进行合理的资源分配和任务调整。 工作结构分解图(Work Breakdown Structure,WBS):WBS是将项目分解成一系列可管理的任务和活动的过程。通过WBS,可以清晰地定义项目的工作范围,确保项目的...
Export or enter the Work Breakdown Structure into aGantt chartfor further scheduling and project tracking. Caution:It is possible to break the work down too much. How much is too much? Since cost and schedule data collection, analysis and reporting are connected to the WBS, a very detailed ...