“I think straight people don’t get it.” A gay man at a Japanese multinational related: “It’s in my bio—I’ve been out about my family since I joined this company. Still, I have these dinner conversations with senior executives who ask, ‘Is your wife Japane...
In this passage, husbands are called to love(agapaō)their wives. This involves promoting the good of another as a matter of choice. The phrase “nourish and cherish” can be used to describe an aspect of this love. Nourish(ektrephō)is only used here and a few verses later:Fathers, do...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Artist's Work Speaks for Itself Glen Ellyn Calligrapher Illustrates Bible Verses" by Dassow, Diane - Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), March 28, 1998Dassow, Diane
Bible Theasaurus Angels (113 instances) Doing (845 instances) Work (1093 instances) Related Topics Altars, In Heaven Angel of the Lord Angels Activities Among Unbelievers Angels Activities In The End Times Angels as God's servants Babylon Four Angels God Freeing Captives Heaven And ...
Yet the expected norm for the vast majority of Amish women is to contribute to thehouseholdat home. This is the primary work-related role of most Amish women. Her labor and expertise play an important part in thehousehold finances, from thefood produced in the gardens she tends, to the se...
and related terms that you might not have even considered, giving you more material like subtopics and questions to write about. A post about “nutrition,” for instance, can benefit from additional depth by researching related keywords like “boosting energy levels” or “healthy meal planning....
The process of creating a literary work, its architectonics and individual phrases, involves a strain that is almost physical, and in this sense the process is related to the activity of artists who work with such material as stone, sound, or the human body (in dance and pantomime). ...
Sponsorships: Engage your community by seeking sponsorships for church-related events or causes. Whether that means sponsoring missionary families, helping underprivileged youth attend camps or funding specific church projects, sponsorships provide financial support while establishing meaningful connections with...
He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the LORD is finished correctly.English Standard VersionThen David said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed, for the LORD God, even my God, is with you. He...
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