首先,我们需要定义用于存储用户个人资料和工作资料的类,这里我们使用简单的Java类来表示。 publicclassUserProfile{privateStringname;// 用户姓名privateStringemail;// 用户邮箱privateStringphone;// 用户电话// 构造函数publicUserProfile(Stringname,Stringemail,Stringphone){this.name=name;this.email=email;this.phon...
运行在personal profile的应用无法收到work profile的应用发出的通知,除非IT admin将其列入白名单。 从Android8.0(API level 26)起,DPC(device policy Controller)管理work profile,它提供DevicePolicyManager方法setPermittedCrossProfileNotificationListeners()阻止你的应用(app)监听来自work profile的通知。 测试应用(app)...
Shelter是一个自由开源(FOSS)应用程序,它利用 Android 的“工作配置文件”功能,提供一个独立的空间,你可以安装或克隆应用程序。@appinn 来自发现频道,作者 @God-Asimov,原始链接:https://meta.appinn.net/t/topic/36371 应用功能 在隔离的“Work Profile”中运行流氓应用程序,这样他们就无法在”Work Profile”之外访...
android workprofile 原理 Android Work Profile(工作资料夹)是Android系统中针对企业级设备管理的一项功能,它允许用户在个人和工作之间进行数据与应用的隔离。这项功能自Android 5.0 Lollipop开始引入,并随着企业移动化管理(EMM, Enterprise Mobility Management)解决方案的演进而不断优化。原理概述:1.多用户架构扩展...
To see how it appears on other Android devices, jump to Examples of the work profile in the app drawer.FolderOn some devices, work apps are in a work-designated folder on the home screen. This folder is automatically created during setup.To see how it appears on other Android devices, ...
Android general device configuration Android required password type Android work profile compliance policy Android work profile cross profile data sharing type Android work profile custom configuration Android work profile default app permission policy type Android work profile general device config...
Enroll your personal Android device to get access to work emails, apps, Wi-Fi, and other resources. During enrollment, you will:Create a work profile. Activate the work profile. Update device settings.This article describes how to enroll your device using the Intune Company Portal app. For ...
workProfileBlockCamera布尔值阻止工作配置文件相机。 workProfileBlockCrossProfileContactsSearch布尔值阻止个人配置文件中的工作配置文件联系人可用性。 workProfileBlockCrossProfileCopyPaste布尔值指示设置是否禁止跨配置文件复制/粘贴的布尔值。 workProfileDefaultAppPermissionPolicyandroidWorkProfileDefaultAppPermissionPolicy...
How to schedule your work profile on Android: If you have a work profile enabled on your Android smartphone, you can now pause it according to a set schedule. Simply head over to Settings > Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls. Under the ‘Ways to disconnect’ section, you should see ...
1. 数据安全:工作数据通过work profile和个人数据隔离开,受到profile保护,IT可以policy去保护工作数据 2. 应用安全:work profile里面的app是通过Google Play for Work部署的,IT可以阻止安装未知来源的app,并且可以配置app。 3. 设备安全:支持Android for Work的设备收到磁盘加密,锁屏,远程attestation services的保护。如...