I run a physics lab — and thousands of kilometres a year In 2023, Jenny Hoffman ran across the United States in 47 days, smashing the women’s world record. But she still found time to lead a research team. Sara Reardon Career Feature12 Feb 2024Nature ...
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Quantum computing combines great promise with daunting challenges — the road to devices that solve real-world problems is still long. Now, an implementation of a quantum algorithm maps the problems we want to solve to the devices we already have.
The "Work, Energy, and Power" chapter in the JEE Main syllabus is a cornerstone of physics that unveils the principles governing motion, transformation of energy, and the concept of power. It equips aspiring engineers and scientists with the tools to understand and solve intricate problems related...
This book is intended for students of science and engineering; it aims to develop both an understanding of the important concepts of physics and some analytical skill in the solutions of problems. The mathematical level of the book is such that it may be used by students who are taking a co...
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