family childcare, usually provided by grandmothers or other relatives, is the preferred form of childcare as it is flexible and not expensive. Overall, this limited choice can be stressful for parents in farming, especially mothers. Rissing et al. (2021) shed further light on the issue of chil...
The study and application of stem cells will be enhanced by the availability of well-characterized hPSC-specific mAbs detecting cell-surface epitopes. Alexa Fluor 488 antibody staining +DAPI staining Cell-surface markers for pluripotent stem cells A research team from CSIRO in Australia has recently ...
* Application of concepts from outside of the IoT to decentralized IoT security * Usable security for decentralized IoT Submission Instructions The workshop will accept position papers between three to six pages in length, for publication in post-workshop proceedings. Proceedings will be published by...
Number 1 2 3 4 5 Session Title Session Chair/Rapporteur Exploration, Mapping and Characterization Graham Westbrook (Univ. Birmingham) MH and Geohazards (Unclear) (Unclear) Physical Properties, Modelling & Lab-scale Investigations Ben Clennell (CSIRO Petroleum, Perth, Australia) MH as an Energy ...