更中性的表达,可以指计划或习惯。 例句: I usually go into the office three days a week and work from home the other two. 我通常一周去办公室三天,另外两天在家工作。 Part04 "leave for work" 使用场景: 强调离开某地(通常是家)去...
I'm working without overtime pay, so I can take some days off later. 我加班没有加班费,所以我可以在以后调休几天。 He earns £450 a week, including overtime payments. 他一周的薪水是 450 英镑,包括加班费。 02 “工作量太大了”英文...
看个英语例句:If your firm allows staffers to telecommute, like working from home a few days a week, that would be more efficient.如果您的公司允许员工进行远程办公,比如每周在家工作几天,这样会更有效率。 那work at home又代表什么意思呢?同样的看一下这个英文解释。Under this theory, "working...
If your campus or office comes with a gym, you can save your visits for days with longer lunch breaks. This is a perfect route for those looking to be in leaner shape faster. Warm-ups and cool-downs Before you hit the ‘hard’ button, remember to warm up your body! Proper warm-ups...
working day的意思是“一天中的工作时间;工作日”。其复数形式为working days。当你想用英语表示某日是你的工作日,就可以考虑用这个短语来描述。例句:Sunday is a normal working day for me. 星期日是我的正常工作日。weekday weekday的意思是“周工作日”,其复数形式为weekdays。其通常用来描述星期一至星期...
But figuring out the membership system is only half the battle. After hitting the gym for just a few days, you may get stuck in a trap of self-satisfaction and mock yourself as part of the 健身气氛组 (jiàn shēn qì fēn zǔ, workout atmosphere group):I've spent five minutes working...
We've been working overtime for the past few days to meet the deadline.为了赶截止日期,我们过去几天一直在加班。Overtime is part of my job now.加班现在成了我工作的一部分。I'm exhausted after working overtime last night.昨天晚上加班后,我累坏了。Do you often have to work overtime?你...
例句: Sarah is working the night shift at the hospital this week. 莎拉这周在医院值夜班。 "be on call" (特指随时待命状态) 指待命状态,随时准备工作。 常用于医生、IT支持等可能需要随时应对紧急情况的职业。 不一定在工作场所,但需要保持能够迅速响应的状态。
① work out 这个短语的意思是 “锻炼身体”,也就是指通过体育锻炼来达到强健体魄、减重等目的。比如,“to work out in the gym” 就表示 “在健身房锻炼”。e.g. She liked to work out in the gym after work. 她喜欢下班后去健身房锻炼身体。② work like a dog 像狗一样努力工作,在国外,像狗...
“Wow, I’m almost speechless! What feels like a hundred years of trying and failing to look after my body just changed in 21 days working out with PJ. Not only did PJ help me overcome my fear of failing, she also made me realize that not every trainer is right for you, but I’...