Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 2. 2. To expend in any work, as materials. They have worked up all the stock. To work double tides, in the language of seamen, to perform the labor of three days in two; a phrase taken from the practice f working by...
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Philippians 2:12, 13 Because for...
Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house.Berean Standard BibleComplete your outdoor work and prepare your field; after that, you may build your house.King James BiblePrepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in...
Create in me a clean heart, O God; And renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free Spirit. (Psalm 51:10-12 KJV) Over and over I prayed this Scri...
Salvation by faith rather than works. 1 Job To hire or let in periods of service. To job a carriage 1 Work (Slang) A thorough beating or other severe treatment. Used with the Took him outside and gave him the works. 1 Job A sudden thrust or stab; a jab. 1 Work Of, relating to...
17 Thy agraven images I will also cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee, and thou shalt no more worship the works of thy hands; 17. Na chinyasae chiabo nimbe ingochituguta, na chinyasae chiaino ninchisarie ase egati yaino, na gosaba tigokoba aroro koria kwe...
2. Go by HIS ABBA’S/FATHER’S Will and not your own! 3. Learn how to be taught and comforted by the HOLY SPIRIT! Having given my life to our FATHER IN HEAVEN to do YESHUA’YAH’S/JESUS’S work, I hope to be going wherever my GOOD SHEPHERD wants me, to follow HIM and do ou...
When He comes, the gentile times will be over — the BLINDNESS will be removed from the Israelites — and their opportunity — their FIRST chance — of salvation will then come to those whom God had blinded! This is at the time when He comes to REIGN on HIS THRONE — the throne of ...
I dread our own power, and our own ambition; I dread our being too much dreaded... We may say that we shall not abuse this astonishing, and hitherto unheard-of-power. But every other nation will think we shall abuse it. It is impossible but that, sooner or later, this state of thi...
after she says, "If I perish, I perish." She becomes a person of greatness not by trying to make a name for herself and you will become a person of greatness not by trying to make yourself into one, but by serving the One who said to his Father, "For your sake, thy will be ...