Want to know how much of your pay packet you get to keep after income tax and national insurance? Simply put a few details into the salary calculator below to find out if you are an employee working in England, Wales and Northern Ireland....
PAYE Tax 0 0 0 Income Tax at Basic Rate (20%) 0 0 0 Income Tax at Higher Rate (40%) 0 0 0 Income Tax at 45% 0 0 0 Employee National Insurance 0 0 0 Student Loan 0 0 0 Postgraduate Loan 0 0 0 Total Employee Deductions 0 0 0 Accountancy Fees & EL, PL & PI Insurance 0...
where you would want to be. Once Sarah is oriented on the job, showing she can deliver, get out of the way, and let her produce her best work. Nothing is more demotivating than a mindless micro-managing boss.
But unlike the invention of the printing press, electronic calculator, or Excel spreadsheet, AI is developing so fast that the concern is that it can soon ‘think for itself’. Something your smartphone can’t do. Leading the charge, with concerns about the possible profound impact of...
Let’s say you follow Clark’s advice and only want to take out subsidized loans. You need $12,000 to complete school and it’s going to take you 15 years to pay back, starting six months after you graduate. Image via SmartAsset’sStudent Loan Calculator ...
In any organisation, there are the brilliant jerks who are characterised by a high intelligence quotient and a low emotional quotient.
Over the last year and a half, the audience for AI has grown from IT experts to almost anyone with internet access.
But while walking may not be a better workout, it may be a better exercise choice for some people as they will also end up achieving their goals just like any person would with a different workout. Besides the physical, walking also had mental benefits. ...
“Our view is that no migrant worker should be allowed to work in Kenya if they can’t express themselves fluently either in English or Kiswahili,” Ms Mbogori told Senate standing committee on Labour and Social Welfare. The committee had invited the KNCHR, the Labour ...
The World Bank noted that in addition to creating more jobs, Kenya will need to improve the quality of the jobs it creates, with a lot of Kenyans eking out a living in the informal sector where the earnings are little and erratic. ...