Sheraton work starts with site clean-up insideJon Seidel, PostTribune staff writer
SzatmárcsekeFerenc Kölcsey's HymnIn his essay the excellent sculptor shares his ideas on the importance of family and local affections (paralleling Szatmárcseke and Ferenc Klcsey's Hymn). His essay greets the Day of Hungarian Culture.Kő, PálContemporary...
A Proposal for the Introduction of 5S Method at a Chosen Workplace by the Manufacturer of Heat TechnologyPetra Konečná
The final sample consisted of nPSIW = 100, nPSOC = 153. A drop-out analysis revealed that participants with missing information were significantly older (45 vs. 41 years), significantly more often without a university degree (83% vs. 73%), and more frequently belonged to the PSOC group (...
Information on energy consumption in the University of Cambridge's buildings is provided for further context in Appe2n.2d. iPxhAys.ical Measurement Physical measurements were carried out during February–August 2013 to evaluate indoor 2.2. PchoynsdicitailonMseaansdurtehmeremntal comfort as well as ...
Social OutcomesSocial Value: Co-creation, Challenges, and Assessmentdoi:10.1007/978-3-319-95714-2_300252Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Reichenbach (1947, p. 288) claims that, in the context of a story, "the series of events recounted determines the point of reference" (R), and other events "lying outside this point are then referred, not directly to the point of speech, but to this point of reference determined by ...