Define piecework. piecework synonyms, piecework pronunciation, piecework translation, English dictionary definition of piecework. n. Work paid for according to the number of units turned out. piece′work′er n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the Eng
Book Review: Wage-Earning Women; Rising Women: Wage-Earning Women: Industrial Work and Family Life in the United States, 1900-1930, by Leslie Woodcock Tentler. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. The Rising of the Women: Feminist Solidarity and Class Conflict, 1880-1917, by Meredith ...
(美作:wage ceiling);basic wage 基础工资;merit pay 绩效工资;gross wage 全部收入;real wage 实际收入;hourly wage/wage rate per hour 计时工资;monthly wage月工资;weekly wage 周工资;daily wage日工资;piecework wage 计件工资;sliding scale 按物价计酬法;payment in kind 用实物付酬;premium/bonus/extra ...
While all types of jobs are available to international workers, especially those fluent in English, South Korea stands out as one of the best destinations toteach Englishas a foreign language (TEFL). As an English teacher, you'll be paid a competitive wage and housing is usually included in ...
Monthly Labor Review. Accessed 23 Feb 2023 Dalton M, Dey M, Loewenstein MA (2022) The impact of remote work on local employment, business relocation, and local home costs. BLS Working Paper No. ...
CCOHS produces monthly podcasts on a wide variety of topics related to workplace health and safety. Each episode is designed to keep you current with information, tips, and insights into the health, safety, and well-being of working Canadians. Take a listen to an episode of Health and ...
may have occurred ten years ago when you were making a lot more money, and you will want that average monthly wage to be used. If you need to reopen your claim now and will be out of work again for another surgery, your benefits will be based on what your income was 10 years ago....
Choose your hourly wage and currency. Set your working hours for each day of the week and instantly see your daily, weekly and monthly totals for hours worked and money earned. Add breaks and days off and they will be excluded from working hours calculations. 更多 ...
The average monthly pension of 15,000 liras (approximately 430 U.S. dollars) is barely enough to cover essentials like rent, utilities, and food in urban areas. "My pension is not enough to make ends meet for my family, therefore, because of economic hardships, I need to continue to w...
wage ratesofovertimepayand payforworkonrest day/contractual day-off shall not be less than 100% of the wage rates calculated based on the chosen monthly wages specified in the second box of Clause 3, the number of normal working days plus paid rest days in the month and the average numbe...