DevOps Engineer即开发运维工程师,是一名专注于软件开发(Development)与信息技术运维(Operations)合成领域的专家。这个角色致力于促进开发与运维之间的沟通、协作与集成。1、自动化是他们工作的核心之一,重点在于流程自动化以加快软件的交付速度。2、工具和技术驾驭是他们的特色,掌握如Docker、Kubernetes等容器化技术,以及使...
1. 自动化部署和持续集成:DevOps工程师使用工具和技术来自动化软件的构建、部署和测试过程,以提高开发和发布的效率。 2. 服务器和基础设施管理:他们负责配置、管理和监控服务器和基础设施,保证系统的可靠性和稳定性。 3. 故障排除和问题解决:当出现系统故障或问题时,DevOps工程师需要快速响应并找出问题的根本原因,...
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Check out a sample of the 673 DevOps Engineers jobs posted on Upwork Find freelance jobs» DevOps Engineers Jobs Fundraise Up Expert & Go High Level (GHL) Setup SpecialistHourly‐ Posted 3 days ago Less than 30 hrs/week Hours needed ...
DevOps Engineer Docker Specialist Delphi Developer Data Cleansing Analyst Data analytics Freelancer Digital Marketer Drafting Specialist Digital Signal Processing Specialist Dietitian F Fashion Designer Fashion Illustrator Flyer Designer FFmpeg Specialist
工作职责: 1、负责 PaaS 基础平台的 DevOps 研发工作,致力于提高研发全流程的效率。 2、参与设计和开发持续集成、持续发布系统。 3、参与 SCM 相关系统的运维和二次开发工作。 4、利用自动化、智能化和数据化的工具平台提升研发和运营效率来自BOSS直聘。 任职要求: 1、计算机相关专业,本科以上学历,具备 3 年以上...
DevOps Engineer($143,707/yr)—Implement automation, monitor events, make routine updates, and do other online jobs that I won’t pretend to understand. Make a greatDevOps resumeby following our guide. Dispatcher($37,112/yr)—The movement and coordination of traffic, equipment, and people wil...
Listing of community-curated resources to find topical remote freelance & contract work for software developers, web designers, and more! - engineerapart/TheRemoteFreelancer
It could not be restored from Azure DevOps, as it had been deleted too long ago. An old timer (Mark) had recently left the company and so handed in his laptop, which, fortunately, hadn’t been reformatted, and still had a copy of the source code of the deleted repository on it. ...