The article discusses ways students can find a healthy balance of work and personal well-being in the demanding environment of graduate school. It says that graduate school is stressful and demanding and students should integrate break times into their lives. It mentions that introducing downtime ...
The work-life balance 平衡工作与生活 本篇翻译仅代表Icy个人观点 Of course, work is important for us all, it gives us money to live, it gives structure to our everyday lives. But for a happy, balanced life, it’s also important to ‘play’ sometimes. It’s important to find time to ...
Many students have to deal with much more than this too. During college, students often start part-time or full-time employment to earn extra cash. Furthermore, they have to try and have some form of social life too – as the saying goes, all work and no play Jack’s a dull boy. ...
信息技术革命极大地改善了我们沟通,联系和协作的模式,让『为自己而工作』变成可能,而这正是我的终极梦想。 因此,在我看来,我们应该逐渐摒弃所谓的『Work-Life Balance』的思维定式,而把『Sprint-Leisure Balance』(冲刺/休闲的平衡)作为更值得追求的理想工作状态。 首先是基于个人技能长板,选定既定目标,像冲刺般地工...
to find a work-life balance. There is a saying that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So, all work and no play is no way to live life and all play and no work isn't possible for most of us. Thus, we need to find ways to strike a work-life balance. ...
Careers mini tutor time session looking at the topic “Work Life Balance”. This resource is suitable for secondary school students and contains interactive elements to keep your students engaged! Files are editable. Learning Objectives: To explore the importance of Work Life Balance Keywords: Work-...
前两年欧美特别流行说“Work-Life Balance”这个词,最近几年这股“工作生活平衡”的热潮也刮进了国内,很多人天天喜欢把这个词挂在嘴边,好像不提一下“工作生活平衡”这个词自己就落伍了、就从现代工作文化中脱节了。 但今天我想狠狠抨击一下“工作生活平衡”这个看似极有道理、实际狗屁不通的概念和那些总是喜欢把这...
原来大家对work life balance的认知就是很遥远的事。听播客里up说英国气候不好美食荒漠,每次回国都很开心,对谈嘉宾想了想问,那你要不要回去定居,up想了想说我要balance,要工作之外还有生活 好像我只是机缘...
everything in life has to have balance. 生活中的每件事都要有平衡。 猜你喜欢 2216 Work by:喵呜不停i 172 Paper Work - Work Release-Paper Work by:嘻哈有态度 392 Work 9-5-Work 9-5 by:嘻哈有态度 640 Work-eztheninjakid by:嘻哈有态度 ...
3.Work-life balance means something different to every individual,but here health and career experts share tips to help you find what arc right for you.A lot of overachievers develop perfectionist tendencies at a young age when demands on their time arc limited to school,hobbies and maybe an...